I: Data Stream Momentum (1994)

Table of Contents


This collection of articles develops some basic mechanisms which mimic and model the dynamics of human behavior. These measures apply to abusive relations, the conversion experience, the urge to action due to boredom, shift work, & dieting. They are based on the notion of Spiral time, as opposed to linear time, and decaying central measures, as opposed to the traditional central measures, which are static. As such this book focuses on dynamic Data Streams rather than static Data Sets.

1. Spiral Time

11. The Observations

12. Initial Interpretations

13. The Theory of Ecological Time

14. Philosophy: Free Will, Determinism, & Time Momenta

15. Directions & Applications

16. Summary & Conclusions

2. Data Stream Momentum

21. The Complexities of Data accumulation

22. Data Streams & Central Tendencies

23. Data Stream Density

24. Data Stream Momentum & Improbable Possibility

25. Data Stream Characteristics

26. Flow Density

27. Data Stream Force & Proportional Impact

28. Interactive Data Streams

29. Summary & Conclusions

3. Decaying Averages

31. Traditional Averages & Live Data Sets

32. The Decaying Average, Relevant & Sensitive

33. The Average Deviation, Realm of Probability

34. The Average Directional, Local Tendencies

35. Conclusion

4. Boredom Principle

41. Laying Foundations

42. The Boredom Principle

43. Beginning Neural Networks

44. The Pulse of Life: A Moment By Moment Breakdown

45. Mechanisms of the Pulse of Life or More Principles

46. Flow Density & the Edge of Chaos

47. Summary

10. Emptiness Principle

101. Life/Death Urges and Vibrations

102. The Effective Use of Willpower for Dieting

103. The Emptiness Principle & the Implications for Shifts