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1.6 Summary & Conclusions


Section 1: the Observations

In Section 1A, we made our first casual observation that Waiting and Creative Activities did not compete for time. This was contrary to our hypothesis. In Section 1B, we made our 2nd observation that Waiting, a nighttime activity, seemed to compete with other nighttime activities but not with daytime activities. In Section1C, we made the January Observation that Waiting actually enhanced Creative Time. These observations suggested to us that perhaps Time had more than a linear dimension.

Section 2: Initial Interpretations

Section 2A: historically speaking, after our initial spontaneous reaction to time came the awareness that our experience of time was cyclical. Later on came the notion of Progress and linear time. 2B: the Euro-Biblical approach favored the progress-oriented idea of linear time while the nomadic Indians, with an unchanging world, favored the cyclical view of time. These two world views are resolved under a spiral notion of time, cyclically moving forward. 2C: we applied these notions to the mistaken hypothesis of Section 1, realizing that our hypothesis was based upon our Western view of time. We then introduced the ecological time view, which was linked with spiral time. Activities compete for time zones rather than time.

Section 3: The Theory of Ecological Time

Section 3A explores the horizontal and vertical components of Time. The horizontal component moves us ahead, while the vertical component connects us to the past. The horizontal component is relentless and complete while the vertical component has a different density for each behavior. In 3B, we see that memory and computational ability are the glue that stick the vertical component of time together. In 3C, we discuss the concept of Time Density. Horizontal time density is 100%, always, while the Vertical Time Density is based upon Data Stream Momentum and varies. In 3D, we find that for proponents of Linear Time that change is based upon a one-time Force or conversion, which changes the direction of the individual's Time-Line. For proponents of Spiral Time, change occurs through repetition, practice. Will must be exerted to resist the vertical Time Flow if change is needed. In 3E, we look at some underlying assumptions of Ecological Time Theory, among which are the idea that repeated activities have a partial existence that attempt to perpetuate themselves. This partial existence leads to virtual forces, which bow before real forces.

Section 4: Philosophy: Free Will, Determinism, & Time Momenta

4A: On a moment-to-moment basis we experience time linearly, continuously. On larger time levels, we experience the cyclical nature of time. Because of our momentary experiences we tend to think of time in a linear sense, while we behave as if time is cyclical. 4B: The ideas of free will, predestination, and spiral time density are juxtaposed – with the latter a synthesis of the previous. 4C: This part distinguishes between Fate and Destiny. Fate happens to someone while a Destiny is fulfilled. A victim allows his fate to rule his life. While to achieve one's Destiny one must exert Will in conjunction with the Divine plan, always remembering to give thanks and proper respect to the gods. 4D: The assumption of this study is that human behavior is an interaction between Flow and Will. Flow is the Time Density related with repeated behavior, while Will comes from within. The Experiment is focused upon this interaction.

Section 5: Directions & Applications

This section deals with the implications of Spiral Time Density. Part 5A deals with the negative density of an abusive relation, suggesting that the cycle needs to broken or damped. Intensive counseling by itself is ineffective because it is not breaking the Time Density. 5B: Each moment is golden because each moment begins creating it own Time Density. The implications for the creative life are simple: Creativity comes from doing creative activities, not from thinking about doing creative activities. 5C: This Notebook is merely an observation with some theories to explain the observations. It is a signpost, only, pointing the way. Read more of the Notebooks to go down the road to the study of live phenomenon.


Some observations were made which contradicted the notion of linear time. To explain these observations, we introduced the theory of Spiral or Ecological Time. With this theory came the concepts of Time Density and Momentum. These ideas strike a middle ground between determinism and free will. Then the concept was introduced that Time Flow and Will interact to determine behavior. The theoretical framework behind these concepts is dealt with in the next Notebook, Data Stream Momentum.


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