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This Notebook examines the Ecological Time Theory and its implications for behavior. First we make some observations, form some hypothesis, then test these hypothesis in some casual experiments. This leads to the formulation of the Ecological Time Theory. We then explore the implications of the theory, which include multi-dimensional time, with the corresponding idea of Time Density. Then we explore the philosophical implications of multi-dimensional time, examining differences between free will and determinism. Finally we examine the implications for behavior. First we look at abusive relationships, then at the creative life style. (Listed below is the Table of Contents for the paper. Click on the headings to view the content.)
A. Initial Observation: Waiting & Creativity Don't Conflict
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B. Observation 2: Waiting Competes with Night Activities
C. The January Observation: Waiting Assists Creativityk ?3BvNP ??gsUeKWP<2<ә#0s,Q&m13J?fOEh{SUgϺmF00QX|f8/OxwWm~?ô3JsI5fyIGxKz(u;URdi&_sޯtq;ks"k@y=#U*6qqԥ`%\S