FAQ Article Summaries (1>8)


This page contains the summaries of the complex of articles concerning Frequently Asked Questions associated with Information Dynamics.

Inherent Resistance To Outsider's Paradigm Shift

Why does the scientific community provide such resistance to new paradigms of understanding the world? Outsiders are frequently the one's to introduce a paradigm shift or a new paradigm. Wegener, Newton and Pascal are examples of this phenomenon. The new paradigm regularly provides a handhold to new, perhaps unsuspected, levels of reality – as the fresh perspective solves unrelated questions. Unfortunately these new constructs regularly violate the current worldview – for example Wegener, Galileo, and Darwin. As a result Insiders regularly resist these Newcomers. For instance the scientific community made a laughing stock of Wegener and his theories of continental drift. This incredible resistance to the Outsider’s Key comes even from those who were previously Outsiders. Once accepted the complexity of the New Box creates New Guardians with vested interests. For example Einstein resisted quantum mechanics. In general vested Insiders reject Outsiders.


Read 'Why not an Article?' for more information.

Why No Scientific Articles?

Why doesn't the Author attempt to publish some scientific articles on Information Dynamics? Why does he instead employ this subsite to propagate and sell this new science?

Although normal scientists write articles, the introduction of a new scientific paradigm requires reaching out beyond the scientific community to the educated public through books, or in this case a website. This has to do with the political, psychological and scientific resistance to new models of thinking about the world. In general normal science resists innovation. One of the functions of these obstacles to acceptance is the necessity of increased rigor, which leads to growth. This inherent resistance from the scientific establishment means that the Truth is not enough. Persuasion is a necessary component of acceptance.

The Diverse Applications of the Creative Pulse Theory

Does the Creative Pulse Theory, a key feature of BD, only apply to the process of creativity?

Not at all. This is just the name of a mathematical model. In fact there are both Negative and Positive Pulses, which require opposing strategies. For instance it is important to interrupt a Negative Pulse, such as mob action or anxiety, before it passes the Threshold of Destruction. Conversely it is important to avoid the devastating impact of interruptions for the Positive Pulse, such as writing a novel or painting a picture. This mechanism is encountered frequently in everyday life - stopping an argument before it gets out of hand or having lunch out with a friend to avoid the interruption of a phone call or the demands of children or pets. Hawthorne, Alex Haley and Descartes, each took deliberate actions to isolate themselves from the interruptions of daily life. Note however that the model, along with it predictions, are mathematical in nature, not physical or psychological. This is why the model can be applied to any circumstance that participates in the mathematical process of fractal regeneration, the foundation of Information Dynamics.

Fractal Regeneration

Fractal Regeneration, the mathematics of Information Dynamics, is based upon the simultaneous decay and replenishment of a system. This mainly applies to living systems. This is different than the decay of matter, which is not replenished, but just degenerates. The variable, unpredictable input of living systems is not the business of hard science, whose specialty is dead matter. The inferences drawn from the process of fractal regeneration applies to all systems which participate in the process of simultaneous regeneration and degeneration. In general this is a common feature of living systems.

Decaying Systems: Types & Appropriate Mathematical Systems

Due to entropy all of existence decays. Only Life replenishes itself. Sometimes this occurs automatically and sometimes it requires the sustained attention of conscious awareness. Due to the unpredictable erratic nature of our environment the context-based equations of fractal decay are appropriate for modeling life. And Directionals, a directed central measure of fractal regeneration, are appropriate for modeling the directed focus of Sustained Attention. Conversely the content-based equations designed to model the behavior of matter are inadequate for the task of modeling life.

Life's Quest – to discover a New Paradigm

Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolution inspired our Theoretician to leave Academia to become an Outsider. Opening himself to Providence allowed him to presumably succeed in his Life's Quest. This foreknowledge of his Life's Destiny - this miraculous Prophesy of his Youth – reveals the inner connectivity of Time – not predestination – as the past, present and future interact in probablilisitic fashion - quantum electro-dynamic style. The implication: the Arrow of Time goes both ways.


For more biographical background check out a brief history of the discovery of the Living Algorithm and her Family of decaying central measures.

A Mathematical Model for Behavior

A Mathematical Model for Behavior? What does that mean? Is it necessary?

Actually all equations are mathematical models of reality. Although incredibly accurate the ultimate nature of the primary forces of Physics is unknown - how they work, what they are. Ironically Science knows how unpredictable Life works and what predictable Matter does, not what Life will do, nor how the forces of Matter work. As such the primary equations of Physics are just mathematical models for predicting the behavior of matter. The power of mathematical models lies in the abilility to generalize into unrelated areas due to the absolute laws of mathematics.

In terms of present research into human behavior: those trained in the physical sciences research Life’s material component, whether physical, chemical, or biological. Those trained in the social sciences employ probabilistic methods to predict behavior. Neither approach is accurate at trend or fashion prediction, as this entirely intuitive realm is beyond Science’s borders – indicating that physical and psychological research has only scratched the surface of human behavior - rather being on top of it (as they are with matter). As such the mathematical models of BD reveal dynamic patterns of behavior, not physical or psychological forces. This is a new Paradigm – the notion that mathematical processes, independent of the rest, influence or reflect Life’s Behavior. Of course these correspondences must be established experimentally for BD to proceed from its present state of proto to full Science. However no matter what happens next my Person has fulfilled the Destiny he set out for himself so many decades ago. Gratitude to the powers that be for allowing me to sense the Way.

Mechanism, Equation & Purpose of BD?

Mechanism? It might seem strange that mathematical mechanisms influence our behavior independent of matter. However, the processes & elements of gravity & force equations are equally mysterious. No one really knows how the mechanisms behind gravity & electromagnetism really work? However because they accurately predict the behavior of matter they know that these equations reflect material reality. In a similar fashion BD's mathematical model reflects human behavior – independent of physicality.

Equation? Although the equations employed to reflect the material world are content based (due to its inert, non-regenerative, nature), the equations employed to reflect the living world are context based (due to its interactive regenerative nature). Deriving a content-based equation of a Directional (a feature of BD) generated a elegant, but useless, formula accompanied by a beautiful fractal picture.

Purpose? These models reveal distinct mechanisms - which enable us to optimize life choices by syncing our behavior with mathematical patterns, the realm of Information Dynamics. While the traditional science of behavior studies our psycho-bio-chemical nature to optimize behavior, Behavior Dynamics studies the mathematical plane – a new paradigm of exploration.