Data Stream Dynamics A
Paragraph Headings

0. Introduction to Living Algorithm Dynamics

2: Articles
3. Sections

Recapitulation & a New Question

Are you content with the materialist perspective of traditional Science?

1st Volume: Are there verifiable Patterns of Correspondence between the Living Algorithm & Life? Yes!

2nd Volume: Could Life employ the Living Algorithm to digest Information? Yes!

This Volume: What is the causal mechanism linking the behaviors of Life & the Living Algorithm?

Probability reveals static states, not the dynamics of causality.

The dynamics of Physics & the Living Algorithm reveal causality.

This volume focuses upon the dynamic symmetry between the 2 mathematical systems.

Preparing the Mental Ground

Necessary to 'explode' Newtonian Constructs: mass, time, space, and energy

Necessary to put Preconceptions aside to understand the Dynamics of Information

Dynamical structure of Physics crucial for an understanding of Info Power & Energy

Time to get to know the Living Algorithm's mathematical Essences, her Algebra

Basic Operations of Arithmetic: No proofs or computations

0A. Derivatives: Data Streams vs. Calculus

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Introduction to Derivatives

A derivative is a rate of change over time.

Infinite number of derivatives

Living Algorithm derivatives for Life; Calculus derivatives for Matter

Traditional derivatives computed via calculus’ mathe-magical processes, hence intimidating.

The Fundamentals of Calculus

Differentiation produces Derivatives: Instantaneous Rates of Change

Integration: an infinite sum of infinitely small derivatives comes up with something.

Instantaneous derivatives ideal for describing Instantaneous Matter.

Newton's Law of Motion: Automatic Processes, no Cause & Effect, with Instantaneous Matter

Differential equations, a combination of differentiation and integration, employed to characterize all material interactions.

All Material Interactions are Automatic

If all is Matter, then there is no choice.

If Living Matter exerts choice, then it is not only Matter

An abundance of evidence indicates that humans & cells are involved in decision-making.

Life must have another component.

The Living Algorithm’s Derivatives

Interested in animate systems, not the inanimate systems of calculus

Is there a mathematics of change/calculus for human beings?

Humans & other living systems thrive on Meaningful Information.

Traditional Information Theory addresses Information without Meaning

Electronic digital information is inert without humans to impart meaning.

Meaningful information employed to make choices

Electronic Information contains Potential Meaning

Life must digest Inert Information to transform it from potential to actual meaning.

Living Systems impart Meaning by understanding Changes.

Meaningful Information is Dynamic, not Static like Electronic Information.

History is the prime Difference between Static and Dynamic Information/Meaning = Information with History

Life digests Inert Information, transforming it into Dynamic Information

The Living Algorithm Algorithm creates Dynamic Information (Inert Information with History)

Mathematics of the Moment Notebook: Living Algorithm uniquely suited to be Life's Computational System

Differences: Calculus Derivatives vs. Data Stream Derivatives

Discretized Information vs. Continuous Matter

Discretized Data Stream Derivatives vs. Instantaneous Material Derivatives

Velocity & Acceleration: the 1st 2 derivatives

Derivatives based in larger time increments are averages of smaller time increments.

As the time increment & distance traveled approach 0, the rate of change remains constant.

Derivatives of calculus based upon differences between adjacent points.

Instantaneous Material Derivatives isolated from the Past.

Data Stream Derivatives intimately connected to the Past

Calculus Derivatives isolated; Data Stream Derivatives connected

Differences between Calculus Derivatives and Data Stream Derivatives

Incremental nature of data stream dynamics enables possibility of choice for Living Systems

Living Algorithm System produces Dynamic Information from Inert Information

Only the 1st two derivatives are significant in the material dynamics.

Infinite number of Derivatives

Force is a Function of Acceleration in Material Dynamics.

All other equations in Physics derive from Force Equation.

Higher Data Stream Derivatives of great significance in the dynamics of information

Author initially dismisses higher data stream derivatives.

Data Stream Dynamics contains scalar derivatives and directed derivatives.

Higher scalar derivatives provide little meaning.

Higher 'vector' derivatives, the Liminals, seem to mimic subconscious mental processes.

Core Concept Approach to teaching based upon the 10-minute rule.

Continuous Approach & the 'Eyes Open; Nobody Home' Phenomenon

2 Data Streams chosen to simulate 2 Teaching Techniques. Data Stream Derivatives examined.

Continuous Derivatives suggest 'Eyes Open; Nobody Home' Phenomenon

Gravity, a constant acceleration, an influential force

Consciousness, a constant acceleration, but devoid of comprehension

The Mathematics of the 'Eyes Open; Nobody Home' Phenomenon

The Mathematics of the Core Concept Approach

Constant Content maximizes Derivative Change; Changing Content minimizes Change.

Higher Derivatives significant to Living Matter; Insignificant to Inert Matter.

Summary of Differences between Derivatives of Calculus & Data Streams

1. Living Algorithm Algebra: her Essences

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The Urge to Symbolize Experience through Mathematics

Humans symbolize experience to further Self-actualization process.

Language, a more precise method of symbolic representation

Numerical relationships of mathematics provide greater symbolic precision

Pythagoras (570-500BC?): Mathematics and musical harmony

Algebra, the written language of mathematics

Modern Mathematics and algebra synonymous

Precisely defined algebraic symbols organized into expressions, equations, and proofs

Article’s intent to explore the Living Algorithm’s algebraic symbols

The Living Algorithm's Symbolic Form – her Algebraic Elements

Elements of the Living Algorithm

A Verbal Description of the Living Algorithm

Living Algorithm & Life: self-referential & regenerative

Living Systems go through a similar process

Spiral decay of digitized data

Nested Nature of Self-Referential Equations yields Complexity

Living Algorithm & Life self-referential

Living Algorithm & Life regenerative

Links between the Living Algorithm and the Cell

Both Digest Data

Potential connection to Living Systems

Potential Evolutionary connection


2. The Living Algorithm Family

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The General Living Algorithm

General Living Algorithm produces all the data stream derivatives

Living Algorithm's Family of Derivatives – the Generations

Family's Daughter & Son have their own General Equation for their family line

Basic & General Living Algorithm Similarities

Triangles (Rate of Change)

Arrows (Direction of Change) for Directionals - the Daughter's side of the Family

Bars (Range of Variation) for Deviations - the Son's side of the Family

Living Algorithm's Family of Central Measures – the Generations

Living Algorithm’s Family of Measures, the Generations

Subscripts & Superscripts to determine Location & Generation

First Directional & Deviation: Daughter & Son in the First Generation

Living Average: Mother, the Original Generation

The Liminals: the Subsequent Generations

Mean Average: the Ancestor – no superscripts or subscripts

Universality of Living Algorithm

Living Algorithm’s Dynamic Nature revealed through Graphic Visualization

Living Algorithm lives to digest Data Streams

Computer Revolution enabled Study

Dynamic Graphs reveal Family's Behavior

A Data Stream of 1s produces a Picture of Six Generations of Directionals

Accessible Graph vs. Dry Equation & Data

Summary & Direction

Living Algorithm's Elasticity very Pragmatic

What is the connection between Living Algorithm Mathematics and Human Behavior?

Data Stream Velocity & Acceleration basis of understanding Data Stream Power

3: Data Stream Velocity & Acceleration

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Differentiating Velocity & Acceleration of Crucial Relevance to Study

Newtonian Constructs bridge Matter & Life?

Committed to Accessible Mathematics

The Mathematics of Data Stream Velocity & Acceleration

Living Algorithm generates contextual velocities and accelerations

Living Algorithm generates Living Average – a contextual velocity

The Directional as a Contextual Acceleration

Everyday notions of Velocity & Acceleration

Directional = Rate of Change of the Rate of Change (to the 2nd Power)

Incredible Self-Referential complexity of Directionals

Data Stream Velocity & Acceleration in relation to Space & Time

Physical Velocity & Acceleration require Space & Time

Info Time = Duration between Living Algorithm Iterations (Repetitions of the Process)

How the Analog Physical Matrix and the Digital Information Matrix interact with Time

How the Physical & Information Matrices interact with Space

Relevance of Velocity & Acceleration in a Data Stream

Differentiating noise from meaning

Attention is attracted to Info Acceleration, not to Info Velocity

Velocity & Acceleration at the Heart of Data Stream Dynamics

The importance of Data Stream Velocity & Acceleration

Data Stream Acceleration: Random Data Stream Low – Organized Data Stream High

Attention focuses upon Data Stream Acceleration to weed out Random Data Streams

Data Stream Dynamics provides understanding of Living Algorithm Transformations

1st Volume establishes Correspondences; 2nd Volume establishes Plausibility

Current Volume attempts to provide Causal Mechanism via Dynamics

Time to explore Data Stream Space & Time

4: Data Stream Space & Time

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How does Information move through Space and Time?

Information Processing Bridges Internal & External Worlds

External World constitutes Objective Reality

Sensory Mechanisms evolve to support theory of Objective Material Reality

Internal Information Digestion creates notion of External World

External vs. Internal regarding Time & Space

Information Time vs. Physical Time

External Time is Non-elastic & Objective; Internal Time is Elastic & Subjective.

Objective External Time created by crosschecking Data Streams

The Necessity of Segmented Data Streams

Internal Time elastic and subjective

Continuous Info Flow broken into Discrete Chunks for 2 Reasons.

Data Stream's Discrete Chunks called Increments.

The Feedback Loop

Data stream time subjective because there is no objective way of measuring increments.

Interactive Feedback loop between two data streams crucial for survival

Speed of Feedback Loop is Variable

Speed of the feedback loop an evolutionary factor

Speed of feedback loop determines Data Stream Time

Conscious Control over Feedback Loop imparts Elasticity, Subjectivity to Data Stream Time

Time is the same; Interaction determines difference

Subjective Data Streams merged to create Objective Physical Time

The Explosion of Time to include Objective Physical Time and Subjective Info Time

Information Space vs. Physical Space

Matter Changes External Location – Information Digester perceives from Fixed Internal Location

External world is just a theory developed by our Information Digester

Biological Information Processing determines our perceptions

Our Brains process a dynamic flow of Information.

Data Stream Parameters determine Dimensions of Info Space

Composite Data Streams Predominate

Composite Data Streams create Notion of external, objective Reality

Example: Notion of Space requires Info from both Eyes & Ears.

Redundancy for Accuracy

Raw Data Streams create internal, subjective reality

Chart: Data Stream Space & Time – Parameters

X-axis = Time, Y-axis = Space

Data Stream Time intervals comes in Increments

Range of Data Stream determines Limits of Data Stream Space

Data Stream Space has endless variety; only one infinite Physical Space

Movement through Space & Time requires Sense of Identity

Because Raw Data has no connectivity, it does not move through Time.

Living Algorithm Digestive System provides connectivity to a Data Stream.

Binary Data Stream does not move through Time

Living Algorithm's Living Average moves through Time

Living Average takes a round trip – from 0 to 1 to 0

Living Average indicates location in Space and Time. Comparing Locations yields rates of change.

Data Stream Space & Time = Discontinuous; Atomic Space & Time = Continuous

Opening & Closing Formal Systems: a standard process in the Scientific Enterprise


Despite fundamental differences, Matter & Info Digestion have a common architecture of dynamics.

Informational measures variable & subjective; Material measures fixed & objective.

Information from Subjective Internal World basis of our Notion of Objective External World.

Despite subjectivity, the Living Algorithm's Mathematical Mechanisms inform our world in amazing ways.

What is the Relevance of Info Space & Time?

Common System of Dynamics provides Causal Linkage between Living Algorithm System & Behavioral Reality.

What is Data Stream Mass, the 3rd fundamental construct of dynamics?

5: Data Stream Mass

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Utility of Data Stream's Subjective Dimensions (Time & Space)

Info Space & Time Internal & Flexible: Physical Space & Time External & Fixed

All Biological Systems regularly employ subjective Info Space & Time

Senses organize Raw Data into Digested Streams

Dimensions of Info Space & Time based upon Organism's Processing Ability

Brain creates 'Objective External Reality' from 'Subjective Internal Reality'

Biological Redundancy Logic

Redundancy Loops to establish accuracy

Educated guesses employed to make decisions about Physical & Psychological Reality

Despite differences, Space & Time useful Constructs for Physical & Info System

Understanding Info Space & Time crucial to understanding of Info Velocity & Acceleration

Stunning Architecture of Dynamics

Beauty of Newtonian Dynamics: Architecture applies to Matter & Information

Architecture of Dynamics built on Space, Time, & Matter

Velocity: First Floor

Acceleration: 2nd Floor

A Car accelerates onto freeway until achieving cruising velocity

Physical Difference between Acceleration & Velocity

Mass crucial foundation to reach higher floors

Info Mass = Attention

Without Mass, Velocity & Acceleration are mere abstractions.

Organism’s perception of Data Stream conveys meaning.

Mass of Attention powers Data Stream Dynamics

External Mass Fixed & Objective, Internal Mass Variable & Subjective

Contrasting Features complement respective Systems

Mass provide Pragmatic Substance to respective Systems

Force is the result of the interaction between Mass & Acceleration

Force = Mass times Acceleration

Physical Mass: How many protons and neutrons an object consists of

Mass of Attention transforms Data Stream Acceleration into Force of Attention

Force introduced as adjunct to Mass

Mathematics of Dynamics specializes in Rates of Change (Derivatives)

Force (the 3rd Floor) applies equally to Dynamics of Information and Matter

Observer/Attention & Participant/Mass have Different Roles

Observer required for material systems to have relevance to Living systems.

Matter, the Participant, & Attention, the Observer, obey the same Laws of Dynamics

Same relationships, but Features of Foundations entirely different

Attention's Function to alert Organism of Changes in the Automatic Behavior of Matter.

Matter/Participant passively automatic; Attention/Observer active in decisions.

Yin-Yang graph of Attention/Observer and Matter/Participant

Traditional Dynamics focuses on Participant: Info Dynamics upon Observer

Conclusions concerning Data Stream Mass

Subjective constructs of Information Universe determine Objective constructs of Physical Universe

Space, Time, and Mass are the foundation for the Architecture of Dynamics

Mass of Attention & Matter provides Substance for Velocity & Acceleration

Mass transforms Velocity into Momentum, Acceleration into Force

6. Data Stream Force: a Historical Perspective

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Galileo (1564-1642) challenges Aristotle (384-322 BC)

Galileo challenges traditional wisdom of Aristotle

Experience invalidates Aristotle’s Theory that Objects fall at the same speed

Galileo sets up scientific experiments to see how they fall

Inclined Plane Experiments: Acceleration

Inclined plane to slow descent (∆d)

Water with finger as stopper (∆t)

Initial results: Ball moves quicker and quicker

Math reveals that Velocity’s rate of change (Acceleration) is constant

Acceleration to Force to Energy to World Transformation

First time: Mathematics employed as a tool to analyze physical change – dynamics

Current study employs same Mathematics to analyze dynamics of behavior

Like Galileo's studies, Triple Pulse Study based upon Acceleration

Weights & Sizes of Falling Bodies not a factor

Testing Aristotelian Theory that size is a factor in the speed of falling objects

Aristotle's hypothesis disproved: Size & Weight not a factor in falling speed

All Objects fall at same acceleration regardless of Weight or Size

Matter’s Inertia

Ancient: objects move to the natural state of rest.

Renaissance: Object’s natural state is constant speed

Greco-Roman view associated with animism

Inclined Plane Results dispel Material Animism

As incline flattens, acceleration decreases, until zero

Inertia: Objects, natural resting state, a constant speed

Resistance to Newton’s Material Attractions

Results lead to Magic Question

State of rest and state of constant speed equivalent

Magic Question: What environmental factors change natural state?

If we can identify environmental factors, we can manipulate them to our advantage:

Took centuries to unlock Door to Technology with Galileo’s Key

Galileo’s enormous Impact

Newton standing on Galileo’s shoulders

Copernicus’ idea catalyzed Galileo’s modern scientific method

Emerging Materialist view leads to Scientism

Descartes (1596-1650) questions Traditional Assumptions

Scientific Skepticism challenges current paradigm

Descartes employs Deductive Reasoning to determine Truth.

Euclid inspires Descartes to only employ Deductive Reasoning to build his System.

Exclusive Deductive Approach denies Power of Induction

Descartes: "Mind & Body are separate. God's natural laws rule the Body."

Father of Scientific Determinism

Conservation of Momentum

Deductive reasoning leads to amazingly accurate conclusions

Descartes noticed that Momentum is conserved when 2 Objects Collide.

Descartes accurately infers Universal Law: Conservation of Momentum

Descartes generalizes Matter’s mechanistic behavior to Humans

Universal Momentum supports inertia, undermines animism

Two-Body Interactions generalized to Universe

Descartes was one of Newton’s Giants

Descriptive Studies of Galileo and Descartes require a Causal Mechanism

Descartes’ work descriptive; no causal mechanism

Author initially employs Living Algorithm in a descriptive fashion with no causal mechanism

Descriptions require a Causal Mechanism to acquire deeper Scientific Validity

Newton (1642-1726)

Galileo & Descartes provide descriptions, but no mechanism for change

Newton: Accelerating Mass to change the Natural State

Galileo’s Results + Newton’s Laws of Motion = Gravity

Adding Force to the Structure of Dynamics

The Mathematics

Force a function of distance, time, and mass

Force: the 3rd floor of the Architecture of Dynamics

Newton’s Force provides Mechanism for change in Data Stream Dynamics

Force of Attention changes Data Stream Momentum

Attention's attraction to Acceleration creates a Force

The Force of Attention can change personal momentum

Some Snapshots of Data Stream Force

Creative Pulse, pure and interrupted, a picture of Data Stream Force

The Triple Pulse, a snapshot of Data Stream Force, pure & interrupted

Must play by Data Stream Rules to maximize potentials


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