Basic Logic behind Arguments

Information Dynamics Articles


This page contains the basic logic behind the arguments in the complex of articles concerning Behaviorial Dynamics. These articles attempt to establish patterns of correspondence between human behavior and the Living Algorithm’s mathematical forms.

TP3: The Creative Pulse & the Interruption Phenomenon

Mathematical Facts

• The ideal Creative Pulse Graph is derived from the Living Algorithm.

• An uninterrupted sequence of ones generates this purely Mathematical Model.

• "Interruptions" in the form of zeros diminish the potentials of the ideal Creative Pulse Graph.

Empirical Facts

• A review of the scientific literature provides a number of studies that show:

Interruptions significantly diminish a Project's potentials –

    both the quality of the performance and ability to complete the task.

Observation regarding Correspondences between the two sets of Facts

• Interruptions in both cases have disproportionately negative impacts upon the ideal potentials of a session (whether mathematical or experiential).

Reasonable Inference

• This correspondence leads us to infer that there is a correlation between the Creative Pulse (Mathematical model) & the Interruption Phenomenon (Empirical Studies).

Investigation of Inference

• Subsequent articles investigate the correspondence/correlation between the Triple Pulse Graph and sleep experiments. We feel that this exploration will provide further support for the claim that our mathematical model correlates with empirical reality.

TP6: The Triple Pulse & Sleep Deprivation

Mathematical Facts

• The ideal Triple Pulse Graph is derived from the Living Algorithm.

• A data stream consisting of a specific alternation of ones, zeros and ones generates the three alternating pulses (positive, negative, and positive) of this purely Mathematical Model.

• If the second pulse of uninterrupted zeros is "interrupted" by ones in any way, both the height and breadth of the following pulse of ones are diminished.

Empirical Facts

• A review of the scientific literature provides a number of studies that show:

"Sleep loss cripples thinking in just about every way you can measure thinking."

Observation regarding Correspondences between the two sets of Facts

• In both cases (mathematical and experimental) interruptions to the sleep cycle/pulse of zeros has a negative impact upon the ideal potentials of following awake cycle, whether the ability to think or the pulse of ones.

Reasonable Inference

• This correspondence leads us to infer that there is a correlation between the Triple Pulse (Mathematical model) & the Sleep Deprivation Phenomenon (Empirical Studies).

Investigation of Inference

• Subsequent articles investigate the correspondence/correlation between the Triple Pulse Graph and experimentally established sleep phenomena. We feel that this exploration will provide further support for the claim that our mathematical model correlates with empirical reality.

TP7: The Triple Pulse & the Necessity of Sleep

Mathematical Facts derived from Triple Pulse Model

• The ideal Triple Pulse Graph is derived from the Living Algorithm.

• If the sequence of ones that generate the Active Pulse are uninterrupted indefinitely, then the Active Pulse rises, falls, levels out, and approaches zero forever.

• If a sufficient sequence of zeros (a 'rest' pulse) is introduced after the Active Pulse of ones naturally fades out, this enables the system to naturally generate another Active Pulse with a sequence of ones.

Empirical Facts

• A review of the scientific literature shows that humans die or go crazy if they can't sleep or aren't allowed to.

Observation regarding Correspondences between the two sets of Facts

In both cases significant down time is necessary to refresh the subsequent active time (whether mathematical or experiential). Sleep is necessary to refresh the Waking cycle or a pulse of zeros is necessary to refresh the pulse of ones.

Reasonable Inference

• This correspondence leads us to infer that there is a correlation between the Triple Pulse (Mathematical model) & the Sleep Necessity Phenomenon (Empirical Studies).

Investigation of Inference

• Subsequent articles investigate additional patterns of correspondence between the Triple Pulse Graph and sleep experiments. We feel that this exploration will provide further support for the claim that our mathematical model correlates with empirical reality.

TP8: The Triple Pulse & Naps

Mathematical Facts derived from Triple Pulse Model

• After a distinct duration the 'Active' Pulse approaches zero indefinitely.

• A 'Rest' Pulse is necessary to 'refresh' the Active Pulse.

Scientific Facts about Naps

• Naps are not due to the lack of sleep or a big meal.

• Naps improve mental performance.

Observation of a Pattern of Correspondence between two Sets of Facts (mathematical & scientific)

• In both sets of facts 'rest' time improves performance in the subsequent 'active' time.

Reasonable Inference

• This correspondence leads us to infer that there is a correlation between the Triple Pulse & the Importance of Naps.

Investigation of Inference

• The next article in the series investigates the patterns of correspondence between the Triple Pulse Graph and the ten-minute rule. We feel that this exploration will provide further support for the claim that our mathematical model correlates with behavioral reality.

TP9: The Triple Pulse & the 10-minute Rule

Mathematical Facts derived from Triple Pulse Model

• The Living Algorithm digests an uninterrupted string of the same number to generate a single Active Pulse.

• The Active Pulse fades out completely after a set duration, if the number string in the data stream remains unchanged.

• A shift from one number string to a different number string generates a series of pulses.

Empirical Facts

• A review of the scientific literature provides evidence for the behavioral phenomenon known as the 10-minute rule. This rule holds that listeners have a pulse of attention that fades after 10-minutes.

• The practical solution is for the speaker to shift topics every 10-minutes to keep his audience's attention. This strategy has proven to be effective in actual practice.

• The Sleep Deprivation study links the Active Pulse with our ability to think.

Observation regarding Correspondences between the two sets of Facts

• The speaker must shift from one topic to another every ten minutes to keep his audience's attention.

• Similarly the data stream must shift completely from one number string to another to refresh the Active Pulse that is linked with our ability to think.

Reasonable Inference

• This correspondence leads us to infer that there is a correlation between the Triple Pulse (Mathematical model) & the 10-minute Rule Phenomenon (Experimental Studies).

Investigation of Inference

• The next study investigates the correspondence/correlation between the another feature of the Living Algorithm System and the Subconscious. We feel that this exploration will provide further support for the claim that the Triple Pulse mathematical model correlates with human behavior.

TP10: Liminals & the Subconscious

Mathematical Facts derived from Triple Pulse Model

• One of the Living Algorithm's Family of Equations (the Directional) generates the ideal Triple Pulse, which consists of an Active Pulse and a Rest Pulse.

• The Active Pulse is always positive (above the x-axis) and the Rest Pulse is always negative (below the X-axis).

• As the name implies, these pulses have a cycle. They rise to a peak and then fade out to zero. We refer to this as zeroing out.

• An infinity of the Living Algorithm's Family of Equations generates the Liminals.

• In the ideal Triple Pulse they also zero out with the pulses.

• However, in contrast to the pulses, they revolve about the centerline (the x-axis) during the pulse, rather than being exclusively above or below this line.

Empirical Facts

• Neurological studies have shown that the brain is incredible active during sleep.

• Our Sleep Deprivation study showed that there is a correspondence between the Rest Pulse and sleep.

Observation regarding Correspondences between the two sets of Facts

• The Liminals are active during the Rest Pulse associated with sleep, and the Subconscious brain is active during Sleep. This suggests that the Liminals could be associated with subconscious mental activity. Common features between the Liminals and the Subconscious bolster this observation. The Liminals pop above the x-axis during the Rest Pulse. This is suggestive of dreaming. The subconscious mental activity that generates dreams briefly enters consciousness from time to time. Further there are an infinite number of Liminals compared to just one Triple Pulse, just as there is just a point of conscious brain activity compared to an infinite amount of subconscious mental activity.

Reasonable Inference

• These patterns of correspondence lead us to infer that there is a correlation between the Liminals from our Mathematical model & the Subconscious from Behavioral Reality.

Investigation of Inference

• Subsequent articles investigate additional patterns of correspondence between the Liminals and the Subconscious. We feel that this exploration will provide further support for the claim that our mathematical model correlates with empirical reality.

TP 11: Core Concept vs. Continuous Lecture

Relevant Mathematical Facts derived from Living Algorithm

• To simulate the Core Concept Approach, the Living Algorithm digests a data stream consisting of an uninterrupted string of one number, followed by an uninterrupted string of a larger number, followed by an uninterrupted string of a still larger number.

• To simulate the Continuous Approach the Living Algorithm digests a data stream consisting of an arithmetic series of numbers that grows by a set increment.

• For purposes of comparison these data streams are of the same length (360) and have an identical amount of total info energy.

• The Core Concept's Living Average rises in a step like fashion until she reaches 3. The Continuous' Living Average rises in a continuous fashion until she reaches 4.

• The Core Concept's Directional generates 3 Active Pulses. The Continuous Method's Directional rises to a peak, but then never fades out.

• The Core Concept's Peaks are over twice as high as the Continuous Method's Peak.

• The Core Concept's Liminals rise and then fade out 3 times (with each Active Pulse). The Continuous Method's Liminals have a brief pulse at the beginning but then fade out permanently.

• The Core Concept's Liminals rise nearly 4X higher than the Continuous Method's Liminals, and the Core Concept's Liminals scale these heights three times, while the Continuous Method's only do it once.

Correspondences from Prior Papers

• Living Average <=> the State of the System.

• Active Pulse <=> Conscious Information Input (Attention)

• The Peak of the Active Pulse <=> Insight, Inspiration, Passion

• Liminals <=> Subconscious Information Processing

• Active Pulse <=> 10-minute Pulse of Attention (10-minute rule)

Connecting the Mathematics & these Correspondences

• The State of the System (DA) ends up 25% higher under the Continuous Approach than under the Core Concept Approach.

• Consciousness never ended during the Continuous Method, but went through 3 on/off cycles with the Core Concept Approach.

• Insight was twice as high during the Core Concept Approach, as the Continuous Method.

• Subconscious Information Processing was 4X greater during the Core Concept Approach and went on for 3X as long.

Empirical Facts

• Experiments have verified the 10-minute rule, which holds that listeners have a pulse of attention that fades after 10-minutes.

• To keep his audience's attention beyond the 10-minute barrier Dr. Medina broke his lectures into 10-minute modules each with a core concept. This proved effective as a teaching device.

• There are myriad institutionalized examples of this step-like approach to keeping the audience's attention: chapters in a book, acts in plays, quarters in football, innings in baseball, 3 minute songs on the radio & courses in fine dining.

• When hearing an undifferentiated presentation (too much music, too much information, too much stimulus) a common experience (albeit undocumented) is to have the eyes open, but the brain is not processing any more information.

Observation regarding Correspondences between the two sets of Facts

• The Continuous Approach simulates the last Empirical event, in that Active Pulse is on, but is not accompanied by any Liminal activity (the subconscious mental activity that is essential to assimilate new information).

• The Core Concept Approach simulates the step-like approach to keeping the audience's attention, in that it maximizes Liminal activity, which is associated with subconscious information processing. Further this Liminal (subconscious) activity comes in a step-like fashion, regularly shutting off and on.

• The Continuous Approach also simulates the common sense approach to learning (the more information presented the better) in that the eventual state of the System (the Living Average) was much higher due to no breaks in the input. Unfortunately, the model suggests that no mechanism is available to process the information.

Reasonable Inference

• These correspondences lead us to infer that there is a correlation between the mathematics of Triple Active Pulse & the Core Concept Approach to keeping an audience's attention.

• These correspondences lead us to infer that there is also a correlation between the mathematics of the Continuous Approach and the Lights On/Nobody Home Phenomenon.

Investigation of Inference

• The next study investigates the correspondence/correlation between the Triple Pulse System and the Biology of Sleep. We feel that this exploration will provide further support for the claim that the Triple Pulse mathematical model correlates with human behavior.