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7. The Seed & Root Equations


In this Notebook we delve into a content-based approach to the calculation of Data Stream Derivatives, discovering many amazing connections in the process. In the first section we look at some diagrams of the content-based approach that has dominated our discussion so far. In the second section, we establish that functions exist, which determine the Derivatives in terms of the Raw Data only. We immediately derive Function F, which determines the Initial Derivative, the Decaying Average, in terms of the Data alone. In the third section, we introduce some new operations to simplify the multiplying complexity, that occurs when looking at the higher derivatives in terms of the raw data alone. We use furling, raveling, and folding to derive a general expression for the higher Directionals in terms of Data alone. In this journey we come across a Root Equation and a Seed Equation. The Root Equation is at the basis of all the Directionals. The Seed Equation when unfolded, unraveled and unfurled reveals the entire equation needed to compute `ǀUCp+` UU>LȽclJIUSR+R cg@w1֤iQa0hz/w%s]*vrz[g*!!xk2i?,S9̆hsHE:`VU;p>h"J9Plc@(;Ro9ek8H:KɔRD+<>s-{Cz_Gإ\͂'`iW]GB6n$va7΢hWQx6q9sEk~voeNy~(8a[i \;8 Cb^<]k)M!<>[ j $#(ֿt^/8qz4漱σ;,gw}vEzĹgIUhuk HvZNK(zRI0ܼqPS9,=]Nmݜq`N/j5h"JPlM#@(z*(PP}FI=%8~$^IA䦟\)bvN.zzZ0BTI|]ԫsD{KocjeԽޔ'Z5P\%A1ݠ q3 M)rs:Z<6eUt#%(Oo (Ė15:}I&:uueNfW{kϪ[֊$ 01RNhԣT͹ŊEE`]{3UN0^o5=/O[ȅ?9[iHE&hCǛZw`ȀVSl[r?$"J]Lmc@9 ~iǕq xm5 O6J^2GvoqmW?OL Q??[{jmu_>ЋBTC{<@쬳Pڛ[r{-[UP\8&G ӴinjI,cjo8S>7ʻo.1t5Mkc P^8;lv|R\Z$>͗ ,_z?(&/͡jW3m?"?ʠfQPOJP=X¸ "\^f`USK[r7"J%3Jmek#@ism6zL؉!$P)@$H4ZTh%Tb rٳ}G< t"Zb*s8dW򿩿_(fCw+(:9-#kVښէ;(|%Gfk Zڕӽ1}njAM1AHRcw~gԥTpP à V#Y$PJ%Z{<^r Z3m~#▞ℒ2y+~~zVJԄkC߳'s9"G~/ u[ky`_6V5^Lť }$i7\s.`XS;r5` 1Hl ˀ#@-_ǿyw9EF}S!d f4~{ { h9yoc91:vqWu3uU6ƒ_b>߿cnMTtŦ]|VAG"V>mMr