In the prior article we reviewed the Pulse of Attention/Creative Pulse computer experiments. The excellent fit between the Pulse of Attention graph and our experience of the Interruption Phenomenon warranted an investigation into further developments of the model. The Triple Pulse was the result. The alternating pulses of the graph captured his imagination. With the passage of time, this mathematical model has proven to be even more amazing than originally anticipated.
Let’s look a little closer at the process of discovery. After establishing that the Pulse of Attention was a plausible model for the Interruption Phenomenon, the Author decided to play around with the model – to check out other scenarios that represented uncharted territory. Remember, as was discussed in the previous article, a data stream consisting solely of 1s generates the ideal Pulse of Attention. After surging, the Pulse of Attention fades out gradually. Practically speaking, at this point the Pulse of Attention has faded away. The addition of any more 1s to the data stream has no significance because the Pulse of Attention progressively approaches 0 as a limit.
Out of sheer curiosity the Author decided to examine what happened after the Pulse of 1s had ended. He had no model, no theory in mind, no agenda whatsoever. Curiosity was the only driving force. He tried adding a stream of 0s after the cycle of 1s had ended. Surprise of surprises! A pulse is generated - identical to the Pulse of Attention except that it is below the line (the x axis) - negative rather than positive. As this pulse faded, the Author shifted back to entering 1s, which resulted in a duplication of the first pulse. Et voila! The Triple Pulse. He realized that this pattern would continue to repeat itself indefinitely. The ideal Triple Pulse (shown at right in unadulterated form) is the simplest expression of this alternating pattern. The objectives of the multiple articles that follow are: 1) the manipulations, results, and implications of the mathematical model, and 2) an examination of the patterns of correspondence between scientific experimentation and this mathematical model.
Just as the Author inadvertently came upon a mathematical model that seemed to correspond to behavioral reality, he also inadvertently came across an abundance of current experimental evidence that confirmed these correspondences. Experimental evidence characteristically provides the crucial bridge from ordinary speculation to scientific understanding. The existence of this experimental evidence alone justifies the exploration into the intricacies and subtleties of the Triple Pulse.
What is the relevance of this knowledge regarding the Triple Pulse? In the following series of studies, we will see that the model of the alternating pulses has distinct links with behavioral reality. We suggest that an understanding of this innate mathematical mechanism allows us to maximize our potentials by tapping into naturally occurring rhythms. And maximizing potentials is a key to transcending Fate and achieving our Destiny. Attuning ourselves with these naturally occurring rhythms might also allow us to align with the Tao. Short of these grandiose statements, understanding the nature of these pulses could provide a foundation for greater enjoyment of one’s chosen activities – in other words, more fun.
Our investigation of the Pulse of Attention initiated a series of computer experiments. Years later the Author extended these original experiments to include an investigation of the Triple Pulse. Both the Pulse of Attention and the Triple Pulse are the result when the Living Algorithm digests a specific binary data stream consisting solely of 1’s and 0s. Let's review the commonalities between these projects to give our discussion a larger context.
The Triple Pulse project builds upon the experimental method and results of the original Pulse of Attention project. The Triple Pulse project also entails experimenting with a computer model. Both models consist of graphs that visualize the Living Algorithm’s method of digesting data. As with the Pulse of Attention project, the results of the Triple Pulse experiments consist of comparing a 'pure' graph with 'corrupted' graphs. The visual analysis of the graphs is of primary importance in contrast with more traditional approaches. (This topic is discussed in detail in a previous article – The Project's Visual Methodology.)
In both studies, inferences are made about the perceived correspondences between the results of the computer experiments and experiential reality. The predictions arising from the inferences are then compared with the experimental results of 21st century science – psychological, biological and even neurological.
What is the methodology behind the Triple Pulse Experiment? The Living Algorithm digests a data stream to produce the Triple Pulse. This is not just any old data stream. This system turns on with a string of ones. The result is the generation of the first pulse. The system then turns off with a string of zeros – resulting in the second pulse. Finally, the system turns on again with another string of ones – resulting in the third pulse. In other words, the data stream consists of a specific alternation of a string of ones and a string of zeros. In general, our computer experiments consist of examining what happens to the graph when we tamper with this ideal data stream.
Because of its special nature, the Triple Pulse is the control group for the series of computer experiments that utilizes its name. We take the Triple Pulse as the ideal standard and then examine what occurs when we tweak it in a variety of ways. These “tweaks” consist of substituting ones for zeros at different points during the second pulse in the ideal Triple Pulse sequence. In contrast, zeros were substituted for ones in a previously discussed study of the initial pulse, entitled the Creative Pulse Experiment. The manipulation of the idealized data stream characterizes both of these experiments. (Note: the Living Algorithm, which digests the data stream, remains unchanged – only the data stream is modified.)
The generation and manipulation of the Triple Pulse is a simple mathematical procedure. Although the method is purely mathematical, we began to notice a distinct pattern of correspondence between the mathematics and the behavioral world. It turns out that the Triple Pulse patterns correspond with the patterns of significant aspects of human behavior that are described in a series of experimental studies. We explore the plausibility and implications of these correspondences in subsequent articles. These articles serve as observational studies linking our purely mathematical model with experimental evidence from a range of scientific disciplines.
In summary, the method of the Triple Pulse Experiment is simple. The Living Algorithm digests a series of binary data streams that are variations of the data stream that generates the ideal Triple Pulse. The results of this digestion process are visualized in a series of graphs. These graphs are purely mathematical constructs. We compare the ideal Triple Pulse graph with a number of 'corrupted' versions of the same graph. What effect do these manipulations of data have upon the performance of the System? To find out the effects of these manipulations, read on. These momentous results are revealed in the next article of this series entitled Triple Pulse Results.