Subatomics, Life & the Living Algorithm
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1. Unitary Subatomics ideal for Either/Or Logic

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Obedient Equations for Obedient Matter

Either/Or Logic works great with Unchanging Atoms

Each Proton & Neutron, the building blocks of Atoms, are Identical.

Atomic Nucleus has Energy Fields with Electrons, which give off Photons

Electrons & Photons as Information Packets to differentiate them from Waves & Particles

Each Electron & Photon are Identical

Permanent Essences of 4 subatomics perfect fit for Set Logic, hence Obedient Equations

Endless Scientific Triumphs validate the notion that obedient equations govern the material universe.

The Interactive Nature of Living Matter includes Self-Reflection, hence Disobedient Equations.

Although the Subatomics are Unitary, the Material World is not.

Obedient Equations adhere to either/or logic. Disobedient Equations are self-referential.

Self-referential Disobedient Equations best describe Life’s self-referential nature.

Matter and Obedient Equations are a perfect fit due to 4 unitary subatomics.

The intersection of 2 orthogonal planes determines our Material Universe.

Both material planes behave automatically and are not self-referential.

The Atomic World and the Subatomic World are orthogonal planes.

2. Disobedient Subatomics

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Misbehaving Subatomics: Electrons & Photons

How can the unitary Subatomic World be disobedient?

Obedient Equations, Either-or Logic, & Matter: A Perfect Fit

2 subatomics well-behaved, 2 ill-behaved

Electrons & Photons don't fit into Traditional Categories.

Disobedient entities at the foundation of Obedient Material Universe

Feynman: Interactions of electrons and photons determine all of chemistry and biology

Consistent behavior of 4 subatomics leads to perfect predictability

Standard Definitions

Dictionary Definition: Electron's properties depend upon context, unlike Atoms.

Dictionary Definitions: Photon, Light

Light behaves as either a wave or a particle.

Feynman: Light behaves like a particle.

Photons and Atoms: Major divergence in Particle-like behavior

Due to divergences, must expand notion of particle.

Electrons, Photons & Life: Individual Unpredictability, Collective Predictability

Electrons: Individual behavior is unpredictable; General behavior is predictable.

Non-human Life: Individual behavior is unpredictable; General behavior is predictable.

General behavior: Electrons perfectly predictable, Life predictable, Humans not.

Disobedient Subatomics and Life diverge with Obedient Atoms on Individual Predictability

Electrons, Living Algorithm & Humans context-based; Atoms content-based

Electron: context-based

Atoms are pure content, as one of the most permanent Essences in the Universe.

Both Living Algorithm and Electron are context-based.

Environmental Context, not internal Content, determines Human Behavior.

Electrons, Photons & Humans: The Probability of Behavior

Squaring electron's amplitude determines behavior probability.

Squaring Photon's amplitude arrow determines behavior probability.

Squaring Human's behavior amplitude arrow determines behavior probability.

Probability not required for the certainty of our Atom-based world.

Summary Link

3. The Disobedient Subatomic World

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Subatomic World is Disobedient relative to Space & Energy

Space & Energy different Inside & Outside of Atom

Space: Continuous on Atom’s Outside; Discontinuous Inside

Energy: Continuous Outside; Quantized Inside

Subatomic World: Orthogonal Plane, not Building Blocks

Disobedient subatomic world informs our atom-based world.

Building block logic: Building block laws and substance same as structure

Until the 20th century, Building block logic ruled.

Subatomic world overturns building block logic.

Atoms are the building blocks of the material world.

Electrons and Photons are not the building blocks of the Atom-based World

Intersection of Orthogonal planes (atoms and subatomics) determines Matter's behavior.

Intersection of orthogonal planes (information and matter) determines living behavior.

Subatomics set a Precedent: If 2 orthogonal planes, why not 3?

Subatomics, Living Algorithm & Life: all Disobedient

Two Orthogonal Material Planes instead of One: A disobedient notion

Atomic World is Obedient

The Subatomic World is Disobedient

The Subatomic World & Life share significant features in common: another disobedient notion.

Deconstructing the monolith to make room for the Disobedient Living Algorithm


4. Particles as Information Packets

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Tantalizing Questions

Our continuous and definitive Atom-based world defines obedience.

The quantized and probabilistic subatomic world is disobedient.

2 Subatomic entities, photons and electrons, don't behave like traditional particles.

How must we expand the notion of particle to include electrons & photons?

Electrons & Photons, as information packets

Schrödinger’s wave equation reveals probable information about electron.

Plank’s Quantum Constant constrains Wave Information

Information Pulse reveals Spatial Location or Temporal Movement

Substance/Inertia exhibit parallel logical structure to Momentum/Position.

Sight-driven Science uncomfortable with auditory logic of Information Packets

Constructing a new category box for electrons and photons is an uncomfortable proposition.

Electrons & Photons behave ambiguously.

Despite ambiguities, Physicists refer to subatomic entities as ‘particles’ or ‘objects’.

Sight-driven Science comfortable with visual nature of waves and particles

Everyone has seen waves & particles. Who has seen information packets?

We regularly experience information packets via sound: Words & Music

Electrons and Atoms: Significant Differences regarding Position and Location

We can see particles in our atom-based world.

Particles in our atom-based world can stop and start.

Sight lends credence to reality

We can't see electrons and photons. We hear their effects.

The Logic of Sound vs. the Logic of Sight

Sound and sight are different forms of evidence.

Sound is transitory; Sight is permanent

Sound is dynamic. Sight is static.

Sound requires time duration for meaning. Sight captures a moment.

Sound requires context. Sight relies upon permanent content.

Ephemeral, context-based sound doesn't convey permanent essence of sight.

Auditory Information is Mental in nature, not Physical.

Atom-based world obedient to logic of sight. Electrons and Photons are disobedient.

Electrons, Photons, and Sound only exist as transitory information pulses.

Sound and meaning are self-referential, hence disobedient.


5. Partial Reflection: Spinning Arrows as Info Packets

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Life, Living Algorithm, and Subatomic World share info packets in common.

Info Packets best understood through context-based Logic of Sound.

Partial Reflection: from Light Waves to Particulate Photons

Partial Reflection, a common experience via transparent medium: glass or water.

If 4% reflection for single pane, then 8% for 2 panes?

Experiments instead show a periodic fluctuation in Percentage Reflection.

Newton: Partial Reflection has nothing to due with surface irregularities.

Wave theory provides satisfactory explanation for centuries

Experimental evidence regarding single photons confutes wave theory.

Internal ‘wheels and gears’ theory of photon ‘particles’ rejected.

Feynman’s Mathematical Technique determines What happens, not Why.

If it doesn’t have an edge, ‘how does the photon make up its mind’?

Feynman skips ‘why’ to answer ‘what’ happens.

Nature’s whys are incomprehensible.

Feynman sees a mathematical pattern in the photon data.

Still don’t know how photons ‘decide what to do’.

Feynman’s Arrows: Probability Amplitudes

Squaring the Arrow yields the Probability of the Event.

Arrows are Probability Amplitudes or Events

Arrows are Vectors, where Addition & Multiplication are simple Visual Procedures

Spinning Arrows as Evidence for Info Packet Hypothesis

Determining the Arrow’s Direction

Nothing to do with Photon’s Physical Attributes

Spinning Arrows determine Direction

Spinning Probability Amplitudes – Information Packets

Spinning Arrow Technique Works

Interaction of Probability Amplitudes generates Interference Patterns.

To make sense of findings: Photons as Info Packets

Info Packets open the door to the Mind/Body connection. Yikes!

Examples of Spinning Information from Words & Music

Spinning Information doesn’t make sense to Science because it can’t be visualized

Understanding Spinning Info from a Sound-based model

Inclination of Listener’s Reflective Surface determines meaning of verbal information.

Spin Doctors place spin on verbal information to determine meaning

Temporal Distance determines the Meaning of Musical Information

Listener’s Reflective Surface determines if the Musical Information is Digested or Reflected.

Information Packet Model comes with a cost.

6. Light Spreading: Subatomic Event Arrows as Info Packets

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Primacy of Event Arrow over Individual Photon


Only have Info Packets, no Photons

Feynman: Arrows as Probability Amplitudes, not Photons

Individual Photons secondary to Event Arrow

Feynman: All subatomic objects obey arrow rules.

Spreading Photons as Evidence for Info Packet Hypothesis

Feynman defines dimensions of arrow event: Spreading light

Spreading Light notion required to model Light’s features

Atom-based Matter does not spread out over time.

Computing the probability of throwing a 7 with 2 dice

Probability reveals nothing about physical nature of dice.

Light behaves as a wave in normal circumstances, as a particle in extreme circumstances.

To account for extreme circumstances, light spreads over time.

Must take all directions into account, not just straight-ahead

Due to inertia, atom-based particles move in 1 direction only

Photon as a Information Packet

Info Packet is unrealized potential

Info Packets are virtual, until they interact with the environment.

Info Packets reach out in all directions to maximize possibility of realizing potentials.

Conceptual Metaphor based in Sound

Cognitive Science: Meaning from Metaphorical Relationship with our Sensory/Motor Networks

Auditory Information & Neural Networks interact to create emotional meaning.

The meaning of Music & Words only becomes real in the listening.

Photons give up Information to Measurement Devices

Measuring Devices ‘interfere’ with subatomic entities.

1% of photons make it through a small hole, no matter if the hole is straight ahead or not.

Both holes open: photons create interference pattern (0% to 4%)

Measuring device at openings: Simple addition (2%). No interference

Feynman: “Strange results have no model.”

Materialist mindset blocks understanding.

As an info packet, the photon gives up information when it is measured.

Information of Sound given up when it comes in contact with surfaces.

7. Subatomics & Thought

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Auditory Logic to better understand Subatomic Info Packets

Reverse the Arrow from Subatomics to Thought

Summary: Electrons & Photons don’t fit into Traditional Categories

Science’s Sight based Logic does not reveal the nature of Info Packets

Auditory Logic of Music reveals the nature of info packets.

Subatomic Time Travel

Thoughts include verbal ideas & musical cognition.

Electrons & Photons move forward and backward in time.

Only 3 Laws in the Subatomic World of Electrons & Photons

Counterintuitive Subatomic Interactions permeate our Physical Universe

Music, as a means of understanding Subatomic Time Travel

To experience Music, Listener must reference the past.

Familiarity with a musical composition leads to anticipation of the future.

Self-referencing of Time: a crucial feature of Music Appreciation

Music weaves Past Experiences with the Present

Probabilistic arrows indicate subatomic and musical behavior.

Thoughts, as quanta of mental energy

What can the subatomic realm tell us about thoughts?

Thoughts: quanta of mental energy that interact with quanta of physical energy

Context: a factor in Thoughts & Subatomic Behavior

No objectivity in the subatomic world because the Observer is part of the process.

Objectivity a possibility in our atom-based world

Concentrated Information of atom-based ‘particles’ only give up negligible info to device.

Thoughts, as info packets, are dependent upon context.

Example: Science’s Sight-based context blocks Sound-based understanding.

Science’s presumed Objectivity blocks progress.

Supposedly Objective Sensory Organs provide us with Subjective Information.

Thoughts & Subatomic behavior subject to Observer’s Context

Nonlinear nature of Subatomics & Thoughts

Subatomics & the Random Thought Generator

Techniques to still the mind, not eliminate random thoughts

Mechanistic Rules determine the Dimensions of Subatomic Probability Arrows

Behavior influences the Dimensions of Human Probability Arrows

Probability arrows of human world are ever changing.

Individual Behavioral Arrows: Atoms 1 possibility; Subatomics & Humans Multiple

Collective Behavioral Arrows: Atoms & Subatomics 1 possibility; Humans multiple

Mind Intent generates a Pulse of Experience, which can change behavior.

We can choose where to focus the mental energy of our Attention.

Sustaining Attention generates a Pulse of Experience or Organization.

Sustaining Attention upon a negative thought chain generates an Experience that increases the probability amplitude.

Choosing to ignore a negative thought chain decreases the probability amplitude.

Sustained Attention generates an Experience which influences the Probability Amplitude

Living Algorithm generates Experience Pulse & Probability Amplitudes

8. Subtlety between the Cracks of Approximation

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Approximations can hide possibility.

Physics based upon countless approximations.

Discarding terms that ‘won’t make a difference’

Sometimes approximations obscure understanding.

Example: Copernicus’ Circle to Kepler’s Ellipse

Another example: Light behavior from wave to particle

Amazing Happenings beneath the limits of scientific understanding.

Quantum Approximations

Hawking: Singularity variations beneath the Uncertainty Principle account for subtle differences.

Approximation based upon Simplification required for comprehension.

Descartes considers the interaction between only 2 objects.

Simplification eventually leads to modern technology.

Feynman et al: subatomic characterization of simple hydrogen atom.

Empirical evidence validates bizarre theories.

Experience-based Phenomena Slip between the Computational Cracks

Complexity of computations block application to other atoms

Generalizations introduced to include other phenomena.

Feynman: 3 fundamental actions just a small beginning

Experience applied to rules leads to pragmatic results.

Although based in subatomic world, solid-state physics has its own questions.

Rules provide boundaries: Experience determines pragmatic action.

The inherent imprecision of Physics opens the door to other perspectives.

9. Subatomic Loose Ends

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Disobedient to Traditional Constructs

Disobedient Self-referential Equations & the Disobedient Subatomic World

‘Disobedient’ employed as a descriptor

Chosen in reaction to language of traditional set theory

Self-referential systems are disobedient to traditional logic.

Subatomic world disobedient to traditional constructs of our atom-based world

Equations for Subatomic & Atom-based world obedient to either/or logic

Info Packets of Sound employed to understand the nature of Subatomic entities, not their logic.

Term ‘Particle’ hides true nature of Disobedient Subatomics

What happens when a Photon cracks?

4 Subatomic Particles: the Building Blocks of Atoms

Electrons & Photons don’t behave like Atom-based Particles

Term ‘Particle’ employed to minimize Mystery

Obedient Equations & Similar Rules apply to Atom-based and subatomic worlds.

Vast Differences suggest Intersection of Orthogonal Planes

Obedient & Disobedient Subatomic Particles

Space not continuous for the Electron

Feynman summarizes bizarre behavior of Electrons & Photons.

Probability Amplitude Arrows resolve Wave/Particle Paradox

Arrow-based Electrons & Photons are different than concrete waves or particles.

Electrons & Photons behave as Info Packets, not Particles.

Protons & Neutrons behave as Particles, not Info Packets

The Disobedient Structure of Protons & Neutrons

Proton smashing with high-speed accelerators

Probability Arrows characterize behavior of Subatomic entities that comprise Protons.

A Particle box within a Particle Box both consisting solely of Subatomic Info Packets

Feynman: No experimental doubt that Probability Arrows determine all subatomic behavior

The Subatomic World is a Uniform Plane of Existence

Living Matter constitutes a 3rd orthogonal plane of existence, whose code is revealed by the Living Algorithm.


10. The Limits of Metaphor

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Metaphorical Understanding

Inconsistencies at the boundaries of Metaphor

What is the nature of the Metaphorical Relationship?

Metaphors: how we understand experience

Literary Metaphor based upon superficial similarities

Conceptual Metaphor based upon common inferential structure

Conceptual Meta-for: Logical Structure ‘above’ the Facts

‘Meta-for’: An understanding from ‘Outside’ the facts

Common Logical structure is ‘outside’ the process.

Purpose to determine where metaphor breaks down

Music & Subatomics: common features

Subatomics & Music: Meaning in Information, not permanent essence

Subatomics & Music: Content secondary to Context

Subatomics & Musical Meaning: Only become Real with the Event

Subatomics have more in common with Musical Info Packets than Atom-based Particles.

The Info Packet Metaphor

3 Elements

Info Packet metaphor does not apply to Electronic Information Processing.

Info Packet metaphor: Meaning transmitted, not Content

Metaphorical Breakdown: Humans, a vital part of the Info Packet Metaphor

Humans, not Machines, are the Receivers in Info Packet Metaphor

Metaphorical breakdown: Scientist required to provide subatomics with meaning.

Breakdown: Subatomics & Sounds Waves go on forever; Transmission Ends

Scientist, a vital part of Info Packet metaphor

Scientific context determines Instantaneous Subatomic Meaning

Musical context developed over Time, not Subatomic Meaning.

Auditory Meaning independent of Physical Sound; Scientific Meaning dependent on Subatomic Results

Scientist linked to Subatomic Meaning, just as Listener linked to Musical Meaning


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