Information Quanta
Paragraph Headings

0. Quanta of Information Energy

2: Articles
3. Sections

Introduction to Information Quanta

Quanta of Information

Photons are Quanta of Light Energy

Color Rectangles are Quanta of Info Energy

Graph: the Living Average & Active Pulse – a Simple Curve

Graph: the Living Average: Horizontal Components – Data Bit's Contribution over Time

Pulse of Attention: Vertical Components

Living Average Combination: Data Bit's Contribution at each Moment in Time

Color Rectangle: Specific Location = Specific Moment by Specific Data Bit

Color Rectangle's Size Varies: Contribution of each Data Point at each Moment is Unique

Algebraic Notation for Events

Events, Letters & Horizontal color strips

All of the Living Algorithm's Derivatives consist of an accumulation of Events

Matrix: the Derivative broken into vertical and horizontal components

Info quantum identified by Event (a letter) and Moment (a number)

Alphanumeric schema like Excel, where letters represent a number

Alphabetic Order

Definitions: Events, Impact and Influences

Entry of data into Living Algorithm System initiates an Event

Events: the Horizontal Component of the Matrix

Impacts and Influences

Summary Link

1. Quanta of Info Energy: the Living Average Grid

2: Articles
3. Sections

The Living Average Grid


Searching for Content (Data) Based Equations for the Info Quanta

The Content-based Equation for the Living Average at the 1st Moment

Defining K, the Scaling Factor

The Content-based Equation for the Living Average

General Ramifications of the Content-based Equation for the Living Average

The Sum of Events = the Living Average


Algebraic Expressions for Impacts & Influences in the Living Average Grid

Partial Derivatives

The Nature of M: the Iteration (Repetition) Factor

M = A Positive Integer

M = Number of Moments and the Number of Scalings

The General Expression for Impacts & Influences in the Living Average Grid


Present Moment = Instant’s Impact + Influences from Past Moments

The Living Average = the Present + the Past

Impacts have no Past. Impacts correspond with the 1st component - contributions from the Present Instant.

Influences have no Present. Influences correspond with the 2nd component - contributions from the Past.

The Living Algorithm: The Present Moment = the Impact of the Instant + Past Influences

Change and Residuals


2. Quanta of Info Force I & II: the Directional Grid

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3. Sections

Data-based Equation for the Directional Quanta at the 1st Moment

The Info Quanta of the Directional

The Data-based Equation for the 1st Directional

General Derivation: Data-based Equation of the Directional at the 2nd Moment

Points of Note

Event-based Derivation: Data-based Equation for the Directional at the 1st Moment

Event-based Derivation: Data-based Equation for the Directional at the 2nd Moment

The first time a Data Byte influences an Event other than its own.


3. Quanta of Info Force III

2: Articles
3. Sections

General Derivation: Directional at the 3rd Moment (N = 3)

Event-based Derivation: Directional at the 3rd Moment (N = 3)

Living Average Quanta function of Event’s Data Byte;  Directional Quanta function of Data Stream

Living Average Grid: Data Byte only influences Info Quanta in its Event

Directional Grid: Data Bytes influence all subsequent Quanta of Info Force

Living Average: Data Impact upon Event. Directional: Data Impact upon the Matrix

Living Average vs. Directionals: Impacts differ; Influences the same

Data Stream Location: Directional Events crucial – Living Average Events unimportant

The Past a Factor in determining the Initial Impact of Data Bytes in Directional Grid – not so with Living Average Grid

Current Influence in both Grids determined by Scaling Prior Influence or Impact

Initial Impact is only difference between Living Average and Directional Grids

4. Info Quanta in the Active Pulse

2: Articles
3. Sections

Events analysis applied to the Active Pulse

Review: Dynamics required to understand Relationship and Causality

The highly significant Active Pulse of ones – the Pulse of Attention

Review of Algebraic Terminology

Living Algorithm digests Instants to produce Moments

Data Stream Moments characterized by Derivatives (Rates of Change)

Restriction: All Data Stream elements are equal, as in Active Pulse

Directional's Force Quanta characterize the Dynamics of Living Average's Energy Quanta

Grids = Events (letters) by Moments (numbers)

Impacts & Influences

Info Quanta in the Active Pulse at the 1st & 2nd Moments

The value of the 1st Moment of every derivative is identical.

The 2nd Moment

Info Quanta in the Active Pulse at the 3rd Moment

Living Average Grid: Data-based & Quantum-based Analysis Identical. Not so with Directional Grid

Factors behind Directional Simplification

Every Influence, Living Average or Directional, subject to identical logarithmic decay

When Data Points equal, all Power Quanta at the same Moment are Equal

Yet another Living Algorithm Symmetry


5. Info Entropy

2: Articles
3. Sections

Entropy as Disorganization and Mixture

Info Energy employed to maintain Gains

100% Efficiency (Energy Consumed/Power) impossible due to Entropy

Entropy: the innate decrease in System's organization over time

Innate feature of Disorganization is Mixture

Info Entropy: a type of Mixture

Graphic Visualization: Power Quanta reduction relative to Energy Quanta

Graph: Energy Quanta vs. Force Quanta over 11 moments

Colored Rectangles = Consumed Energy and Power Quanta

Power Impact and subsequent Influences become smaller and smaller

With each Iteration more info energy for maintenance & less for change = Less Power

Algebra: Power's Impact Quanta reduction relative to Energy's Impact Quanta

The 3rd Moment from an Event Perspective

Living Average Events Pure; Directional Events polluted by prior Data

Event A is identical for Living Average and Directional, as no prior data

Directional's Event B is Living Average's Event B scaled once.

Directional C = Living Average C scaled twice

General Equation for the relationship between parallel Power Quanta and Energy Quanta

Successive Scaling of Power Quanta versus Energy Quanta is the Root of Info Entropy

No Info Energy Lost, just employed on maintenance rather than change

Generalization of Active Pulse

Triple Active Pulse from Core Concept article

Striking algebraic simplifications when data stream members are equal

Active Pulse: when the Living Algorithm digests a single number, not just ones

The state of N



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