Blown away by recent developments
We've come so far
Life frustrated with her mathematical options
Initially Disappointed with the Living Algorithm
Traumatized by earlier relationship with Astrology
Living Algorithm, Life’s only hope
Is there any evidence that supports Patterns of Correspondence? Yes!
Life: “Why are there Patterns of Correspondence?”
Theory: Living Algorithm forms influence Life, because she employs Cell to digest information.
Life: “Is there any evidence in support of this theory?”
Plausibility of Life employing Living Algorithm to digest Data Streams
Life meditates to uncover her basic needs
Life establishes Requirements and Ordeals
Talents of Physics & Probability inadequate
Excuses: Probability: Life doesn't understand Random
Physics: No such thing as an Open System
Explanations require multiple perspectives
Could the Living Algorithm be Life's Operating System?
Living Algorithm & Mechanics have the same architecture of dynamics
Both employ the same constructs: space, time, matter, and energy
Data Stream Dynamics
Life chooses Triple Pulse, as most productive and efficient data stream
Living Algorithm System: behavioral correspondence, a plausible operating system & a causal mechanism
Purely Material Linkage doesn't incorporate potential for Informed Choice
Counter Evidence: Religions proliferate to control Choice
Physical model can't explain many of Life's features
What is Translation Mechanism between Info & Matter?
Attention Pulse completely concentrates Energy Density of Data Stream.
Could this concentration spark the gap?
Could Attention generate a Pulse of Info Energy that initiates changes?
Is there any evidence of correspondences between the behavior of the Living Algorithm & Life? Yes!
Could Life employ the Living Algorithm to digest data streams? Yes!
Why did Life choose the Living Algorithm's Triple Pulse?
The Living Algorithm System & Material Systems share the same dynamical structure.
Data Stream Dynamics provides causal mechanism for Triple Pulse Correspondences.
Current Volume: Is there any evidence for the transformative potentials of the Pulse of Attention?
Attention is Data Stream's Substance, a component of Mass
Attention required to impart Meaning to a Data Stream
Can only pay attention to what can be perceived
Attention to environmental input on all levels of the biological hierarchy
All levels make subconscious adjustments based upon subconscious attention
Each level of biological hierarchy makes adjustments to the environment.
Although Life's adjustment Range is Narrow, Matter has None
Life requires Attention to Survive; Matter requires no Attention to just Be
Life's Attention vs. Matter: Open/Closed System & Consumption/Conservation of Energy
Attention linked to a Sense of Time Passing
Environmental Interaction: Matter Instantaneous – Life Consecutive
Inseparable trio – Life, Attention, & Living Algorithm – a meaning-making entity
Empirical Evidence exists for Logical Claims
Life + Attention + Living Algorithm = Meaning
Tightening Definitions
Life = the Will to Survive -> Fulfilling Potentials -> the Urge for Self-Actualization
Living Algorithm = a Mathematical Tool that digests Data Streams
Attention = a Process that employs the Living Algorithm tool to assist Life satisfy her urges
Attention acts as a Relevance Filter
Attention: an Information Censor
Attention/Living Algorithm synergy screens out irrelevant information
Attention's process: virtually Automatic
Life adjusts Attention's automatic algorithms
Attention and the Living Algorithm operate in tandem.
Attention sifts Sensory Input for Life
Life/Attention/Living Algorithm synergy operates on each level of Biological Hierarchy.
How does Attention/Living Algorithm synergy work?
Life permeates every level of the biological hierarchy
Life requires Attention to act as her intermediary with the Environment
Life requires a system that digests data streams. The Living Algorithm?
The Living Algorithm needs Attention to provide her with Meaning
Life, Living Algorithm & Attention: an inseparable meaning-making trio
Attention acts as Life's filter
Attention/Living Algorithm synergy links Life with Sensory Data Streams
Matter requires no Attention to just be
How Attention differentiates Life from Matter: open system and a sense of time
How does Attention accomplish task?
Life, the embodiment of biological systems, is the urge to self-actualize.
Life requires Attention to determine which data streams for the Living Algorithm to digest.
To provide ongoing, up-to-date information, the Living Algorithm/Attention synergy must act automatically.
Life can tweak Attention, not the Living Algorithm.
Logical Theories require confirming Evidence.
Life, Attention & the Living Algorithm a meaning-making synergy: based upon definitions.
To provide efficacy to the theory must understand Attention’s Mathematical Method.
Attention determines whether a Data Stream has potential significance.
Life requires Attention to 'experience' a Data Stream.
How does Attention determine significance?
Example: How do forest creatures sift out lush background noise from meaningful signal?
Determining potential significance enables an adjustment (a response to the stimulus).
How does Attention employ Living Algorithm to screen out noise?
Living Algorithm provides sufficient information to filter out random signals.
Graph: Triple Pulse vs. Random
Setting a threshold of intensity – To attend or not to attend
Data Stream Density: Random 0%, Sustained rises to 100%
Data Stream Density: a second random/meaning screen
Two filters for cross-checking: Intensity and Density
Attention ignores Data Stream Velocity, as no difference between Random & Ordered
Attention attracted to Data Stream Acceleration, which leads to Data Stream Power
Example: a Squirrel digests the Dark & Light Patterns of the Forest
Single threshold creates binary data stream.
When both Intensity & Density Rise, Attention passes Living Algorithm's Info to Life.
100% Energy Density required for an Experience
Life experiences Data Stream when Attention cycle is Complete.
Experience in terms of Instants & Moments
An Experience occurs when Data Stream Density ≈ 100%
Interruptions can kill an Experience
The Importance of Repetition in creating Life Experience
Scientific Literature: specifically timed repetitions for permanent learning
Specifically timed repetitions for memory
Specifically timed repetitions for information transfer between Neurons
Living Algorithm, Humans & Neurons: Timed Repetition transforms the Transitory into the Permanent.
Repetition for a neural firing: Repeated neural firing for a permanent memory
Neurological Interruptions "block memory formation in total".
Our model: the Life/Attention ignores random data streams – no repetition
Data Stream Interruptions damp energy density, thereby killing the experience.
Is the scientific evidence supporting repetition just random clustering?
From Neurons & Humans to the Biological Hierarchy
Life, the urge to self-actualize, operates at each level of the Biological Hierarchy
Each level of the Biological Hierarchy acts as both a whole and as a part
The Code to the Matrix determines how the Directives are implemented.
Each Level, including the Group, acts as sub-part & sub-whole
Each Level primarily communicates with adjacent levels.
Higher Level binary communication; Lower Level analog assimilation
Broad directives or requests from one level are particularized on the other level
Single Directive vs. Multiple Requests
Multiple Requests, as a form of Redundancy, to prevent Random Firing
Body sends multiple Hunger Requests to Mind
After experience, Life sends Directive to Body.
Body executes Life’s top-down directives relatively continuously.
Latitude in executing Top-down Directives
The Living Algorithm transforms Binary Instants into Analog Moments
Attention transforms Moments into Life Experience
Moment Accumulation on one Plane leads to Experience on another Plane
Sufficient energy density fires a Neuron: Neural firing is the next plane’s instant.
Experience becomes an Instant on the Adjacent Plane
Experience Hierarchy: neural firing –> blue -> blue sky
Life can veto an experiential chain.
Is there any more evidence in support of these theories?
Life permeates every level of the Biological Hierarchy.
Living Algorithm provides Life with Data Stream Derivatives.
Life focuses Attention upon Data Stream Acceleration to Censor Random Noise.
Pulse of Attention, a graphic visualization of an Experience
Experience: the communication from lower to upper levels of biological hierarchy
Repetitions associated with Learning & Memory
Repetitions –> Completed Energy Density –> Experience
Is there more evidence that Life, Attention, & the Living Algorithm are a meaning-making entity?
Triple Pulse correspondences, Living Algorithm System & Data Stream Dynamics
Attention acts as intermediary between Living Algorithm & Life to prevent information overload.
Attention focuses upon data stream intensity & density to censor random data streams.
Acceleration passes on Living Algorithm package as long as there is an Acceleration.
How does Life regulate the Attention/Living Algorithm synergy?
What dials does Life turn to maximize her potentials?
To find out about the Living Algorithm’s Decay Factor, read on.
Living Algorithm Algebra Review
Open System: Fresh Data enters with each Iteration
Self-Referential System: Old Average employed to compute New Average
Decay Factor's sole function: Scaling factor of the Rate of Change
Decay Factor determines Rate of Decay, which determines Impact of New Data on System
Unless refreshed, Living Average is constantly decaying
Entropic Systems: Living Algorithm, heating, biological
Regenerative System: Possibility of Fresh Data
The Decay Factor’s 5 pragmatic Sectors
Graph: Data Bit = 1; D = 16
Graph: Stable – D = 10, 16, & 20
Graph: Sedentary to Eternal – D = 20, 50, & 100
Graph: Volatile – D = 10, 5, & 2
Vertical Line: Instantaneous – D = 1
Data Stream: Bi-monthly Waiting Hours
D = 16, 30, 100: Responsive, Sedentary & Eternal
D = 10, 2, 1: Responsive, Volatile & Instantaneous
Instantaneous perspective provides no context.
Graph: All Decay Factors together for easy comparison
The nature of the linkage between Attention and the Living Algorithm’s Decay Factor?
Life reflects upon what she has learned.
Attention automatically censors Random Data Streams
Life wonders if she exercises any control over Attention.
Life learns about the Living Algorithm’s Decay Factor – her Attention dial.
The Living Algorithm specialty is shaping Data Streams
The Living Algorithm’s Decay Factor regulates the shaping process.
Cell: “Must understand Biological Attention to grasp Informational Attention.”
Is mathematical Attention the same as cognitive Attention?
(All the heading are out of date)
Trinity Model
3 Networks: Alerting, Orienting, & Executive
1) Alerting or Arousal Network:
Intrinsic Awareness (general attention) and Phase Alertness (specific attention)
2) Orienting Network: Organism attends to unusual stimulus
3) Executive Network: Life engaged
So much experimental verification Posner’s Model taken to be truth.
Life, Attention & the Living Algorithm form a gestalt.
Working Definitions
Mind chooses how to invest Mental Energy.
Mind/Life structure reflected in the neural anatomy of our Brain.
Jill Bolte Taylor on Emotional vs. Thinking Brain
Mind (choice) & Life (meaning) act as synergistic unit to focus mental energy of Attention
Attention (mental energy) & the Living Algorithm (algorithm) synergy digest Data Streams.
Mind/Life core & Attention/Living Algorithm shell form Attention Synergy.
Living Algorithm’s Living Average: a smoothed out version of the Raw Data Stream
Decay Factor determines the severity of the Digested Data Stream's Contours.
Decay Factor inversely related to Data Stream Acceleration
Why does Attention attune to Data Stream Acceleration and ignore Velocity?
According to Model, Life employs Attention/Living Algorithm synergy to prevent Information Overload.
Life focuses Attention upon Data Stream Acceleration to filter Random Data Streams.
Living Algorithm generates a Pulse of Acceleration.
A Complete Pulse generates a Life 'Experience'.
100% Energy Density of Completed Pulse sparks the Gap between Mind & Body.
An Incomplete Pulse does not generate a Life Experience.
Life Experience requires an Acceleration that is large and lasting.
A High Decay Factor minimizes the Number of Life Experiences Inversely Related
A Low Decay Factor maximizes the Number of Life Experiences
Decay Factor and Life Experiences Inversely Related
Focus upon general and specific attention of Posner's Arousal Network
High Decay Factor = General Attention of Posner’s Intrinsic Awareness
High Decay Factor sets up Foreground and Background
Low Decay Factor = Specific Attention of Posner’s Phase Alertness
Experience of Sustained Attention leads to Orienting and Executive Networks
Life can turn Decay Factor up and down to move from specific to general attention and back again.
Example: An insignificant yell
Life employs Decay Factor as rheostat for Attention
Living Algorithm System provides mathematical foundation for Living Constructs.
Conscious, Unconscious, & Subconscious Processes; Instants, Moments, & Experience
Life: “I have some control over Attention via the Living Algorithm’s Decay Factor.”
Life summarizes her connection to the Decay Factor as revealed by Posner’s Attention Model
Life excited to find a dial she can turn.
Life shares her excitement with the Science Guys.
Cool response from Science Guys reveals they are not friends, but rejected Suitors.
The Science Guys raise objections to Life's Informed Choice.
To avoid being drawn from her center, Life focuses upon body structure.
Life's Insight: "Fear of Uncertainty has driven Science Guys to Faith in Materialism."
Science Guys: "What is your defense?"
Life appreciates all the evidence that Science has explained.
Life is still curious about a few unexplained details.
Cultural Institutions designed to control Thoughts to influence Behavior
Other Cultural Institutions designed to control Thought Processes
Life wonders why so much cultural energy on controlling thoughts, if no effect on behavior.
Life wonders what the Scientific Explanation is for this widespread Phenomenon.
Science Guys: "Microscopic and macroscopic are mechanistic; therefore everything is mechanistic."
Science Guys: "Thought a byproduct of biochemical processes."
Science Guys: "Notion of Free Will a Superstitious Residue of Animistic Past."
Science Guys: "How is it possible that immaterial thoughts influence material world?"
Life: "Religion, Advertising and Electioneering are a waste of time and money?"
Life: "I'm happy you have such Faith in your Reason."
Life: "Living Algorithm provides a more plausible explanation."
Life is Uncertain about Faith in Reason.
Life: “Prior to Living Algorithm, Science Guys confused me with their technical jargon.”
Science Guys: “We can pretend that Life doesn’t exist, if we are subtle enough.”
Science Guys attempt to banish Uncertainty with Reason
Life: “Futile to debate Science Guys, as their Beliefs are Faith-based.”
Life: “Enough Scientism bashing, need to move forward.”
Science can't provide explanations for enormous amounts of evidence.
Quote: Genes don’t provide answer to human complexity, i.e. the ability to produce conscious action.
Life wonders about automatic nature of Posner's Attention Model
Cell: "So many biological processes are on automatic that some conclude that all are."
Cell: "Logical fallacy jumping from many to all."
Most biological processes put on automatic for purposes of efficiency.
Musicians place muscles on automatic to focus attention on playing Music.
Musician plays Music; Technician an Automaton.
Cultural Conditioning is the social Composition: Possibility of Music or Not
Evidence indicates: Everyone exerts control over their lives some of the time.
It takes effort over time to play music with our lives.
Effort tends to guide rather than initiate.
Meditation: one Technique for assuming partial control over Posner Attention Model
Use Conscious Control or Lose it.
Life wonders what role Mind Intent plays in the Living Algorithm System.
Life: “I am a physical system that digests information to make decisions.”
Life: “I require the talents of Attention and the Living Algorithm to make decisions.”
Attention/Living Algorithm synergy translates instants to moments to experiences
Attention to Living Algorithm as Hand to Tool
Life (Mind intent) requires Attention (hand-eye) to employ Living Algorithm (tool) to deal with the Sensory/Environment.
Life: “Body and Attention allow me to interact with my environment – one physically, the other with regards information.”
Information digesting system determines Life’s relationship with Matter
Life wonders about Interaction between Information & Matter
What mechanisms allow the worlds of matter and information to interact?
Open to Material Explanation
Completed material systems still unable to address human behavior.
With God Particle, Matter research has exhausted the potential of addressing human mystery.
Quote: Genes don’t provide answer to human complexity, i.e. the ability to produce conscious action.
John von Neumann, inventor of computer: "The Brain operates in non-electronic fashion."
Neuro-Scientists feel technological advances will provide answers.
Information-based explanation due to Living Algorithm correspondences
Energy is Connector
Intriguing Questions: how is info energy translated into mechanical energy?
Sustained Attention generates an Experience that sparks the Gap.
Transfer does not occur in our atom-based world.
Atom-based world is deterministic, therefore atom-based humans behave deterministically?
How to account for Complexity of Physical Universe after the Big Bang?
Hawking: In the Subatomic World beneath the Quantum Limits of the Uncertainty Principle.
Electrons & Photons hidden inside a Probabilistic Box.
Subtlety contained in Subatomic Box: Not too Little; not too much.
Could the Interaction between Matter & Information also occur beneath the Quantum Limits of the Uncertainty Principle?
What happens to the Info Energy from the Infinity of Data Streams?
Data Streams must be digested before they acquire Info Energy.
The Living Algorithm, the tool of the System, is not the source of Info Energy.
Attention, the System’s eye, is not the Source of Info Energy.
Although Info Energy requires Living Algorithm and Attention, the Synergy not the Source
Life is the Source of Info Energy.
Mind Intent guides Life’s urge to self-actualize.
Info Energy belongs to a Cycle
Senses transform Environmental Information into Data Streams.
The Living Algorithm transforms Data Streams into Trajectories/Rates of Change.
The 4 Languages of Information Digestion
The Cycle of Info Energy
Mental Energy via Attention/Living Algorithm synergy initiates the transformation process.
Mind Intent generates Experience that produces an Effect upon Body
Every element essential to complete the Info Energy Cycle
Repetitions are required to translate Moments into Experience
A constant evaluation process: Is the Data Stream worthy of becoming an Experience?
Physical Energy is Automatic; the Transformation of Mental to Info Energy is Deliberate.
Transformation Process can be aborted at any time.
Attention's automatic filter abandons data streams that lack sufficient acceleration.
Mind abandons data streams that aren't relevant to Life.
To ride or pull out of the Info Energy Wave?
A daily Question: Shall we invest Time & Energy transforming a Moment into an Experience?
The only Choice, whether to participate or not; Not what action to take.
Life: "I regularly make the decision, whether or not to participate."
Cell: "I must pay homage to you."
Cell: "None of exists without your urge to Self-Actualize."
Cell: "My System does not address the mystery of the origination of your urge to self-actualize."
Cell: "Although the Science Guys worship you, they underestimate your magnificence."
Cell: "If they would only emulate Newton's humility."
Cell: "I wish the Science Guys would admit their Ignorance of the Uncertainty."
Life: "This praise evokes my pride. Let's move on."
Could the Decay Factor regulate Consciousness?
Although unique processes, Consciousness & Attention turn on and off together
Two basic scenarios surround Attention's search for a data stream that accelerates.
After generating an Experience with a Data Stream, Attention shifts to a new Data Stream.
Consciousness = A sequence of Attention Pulses
Consciousness and Attention different words in same sentence
Life gives birth to a Mind that wants to help her fulfill her potentials.
Living Algorithm/Attention synergy links Mind/Life synergy with Sensory Environment
Mind craves Information to assist Life fulfill Potentials.
For similar reasons, Mind craves Information & Body craves Food.
Food Digestion as a Metaphor for Information Digestion
Consciousness = Mouth of Living Algorithm’s Information Digestion System
Mind’s Food: the Experience Pulses of the Living Algorithm Digestion Process
Life/Mind synergy decides what is going in the Mouth
Only Experience of Sustained Attention reaches the Stomach
Experiences nourish Mind/Life synergy.
Summary: Mind’s Information Digestion System, when Conscious
Review: Body craves food & Mind craves information.
Body & Mind require Downtime to complete the digestion process.
Unconscious State of Sleep provides Mind with Downtime.
Mind's mental energy provides data streams with 'Substance' via Attention.
Diagram: While Conscious, Information System open to Sensory Environment.
Leftover mental energy drives the Unconscious, cycle.
Diagram: While Unconscious, Information System closed to Sensory Environment.
The periodic opening and closing of Life's Information Digestion System refreshes each cycle.
What mechanism turns Consciousness on and off?
When we get sleepy our Attention fades fast.
State of Sleepiness: Leftover Mental Energy reaches threshold.
Mind Intent shifts from Accumulation to Organization.
Leftover Mental Energy: Trigger for Mind's Appetite for Fresh Information
Why is the shutdown orderly rather than abrupt?
New Theory: Decay Factor inversely proportional to Mental Energy Expenditure
Default State in Posner’s Attention Model: a State of Readiness
General Attention requires less mental energy than Specific Attention.
Full Consciousness: we can regulate the ebb and flow of mental and physical energy.
Sleepiness: Decay Factor up; Energy Expenditure down
As Decay Factor rises, environmental contours fall, resulting in sleep.
Limited or Fixed Amount of Mental Energy available.
What are the implications for Split Attention & Overextended Attention?
Questions about Split Attention
What does the Living Algorithm's Information model reveal about Split Attention?
Shifting Attention
Divided Attention
Living Algorithm model: Interrupted Pulse & 2 Pulses
Pleasure-producing Dopamine rewards/programs Humans to seek out Fresh Information.
Physical Environmental Information about Survival; Mental Environment Not
Information-rich Internet provides Dopamine rush with each click.
Attention is the key to Memory Consolidation, the basis of Cognitive Integration.
Shifting Attention does not lead to Memory Consolidation.
Sustained Attention generates a Pulse – an Experience.
Sustained Attention required to transform a Moment into a Life-changing Experience
Sustained Attention: the key to Experience & Memory Consolidation
Both Experience & Memory Consolidation transform Information into Knowledge.
Completed Pulse required for Living Experience
Interrupted Pulse & Shifting Attention
Pulse Intensity (Amplitude) associated with Insight
A 10-minute Conversation Pulse
Conversation Pulse Interruptions: A Negative Impact upon potential for Insight
Pulse's Energy Density must reach Completion (100%) to Spark the Gap.
The Energy Density reaches 100% upon the Completion of the Pulse.
When Pulse is Completed, Data Stream Information is transmitted.
Regular interruptions to the Conversation Pulse to simulate Texting or Young Children
Regular Interruptions to Conversation Pulse: Incomplete Energy Density – Incomplete Information Transmission.
The Energy Density of Shifting Attention
Energy Density of Shifting Data Stream (5%->30%): Very Little Information Transmitted
Attention attracted to Acceleration to sift Random from Organized Data Streams
Dopamine encourages Attention's innate attraction to the Rush of Information Acquisition
After the Rush fades, Attention seeks out a Fresh Data Stream.
How is Attention sustained long enough to complete the Pulse?
Mind must exert Mental Energy to sustain Attention long enough to complete the Pulse.
2 Phases to Information Assimilation: Automatic Attention and the exertion of Mind Intent
Life's Quest for Actualization gives rise to Mind's Craving for Knowledge & Body's Desire for Food.
A Completed Pulse satisfies Mind's craving for Knowledge.
Satisfying the desire for Information Accumulation of secondary importance
Satisfying Mind's craving for Knowledge is of primary importance.
Body rewarded for seeking new Information; Mind rewarded for generating Knowledge.
Life's Quest for Actualization is the Highest Priority, whether digesting Food or Information.
Information-rich Internet encourages Shifting Attention
If Internet Surfing & Social Media include Completed Pulses, Transformation occurs.
Lack of Mind Intent is the problem, not the Internet.