0: Life's Foreword
Life ruminates on her relationship with the Living Algorithm
An Ambiguous Beginning
Why does Living Algorithm's Triple Pulse correspond with Life's Human Behavior?
Could Life employ the Living Algorithm to digest Data Streams?
Why did Life choose the Living Algorithm's Triple Pulse?
What Mechanism provides the Link between Information & Matter?
1: The Primacy of Attention
Why does Living Algorithm's Triple Pulse correspond with Life's Human Behavior?
Why Attention is Life's Substance
Conscious and Subconscious Attention
Attention differentiates Matter from Life
Working Definitions for Life, the Living Algorithm & Attention
Attention: Life's original filter
2. Attention: a Filter of Random Signals
How does Attention/Living Algorithm synergy create Meaning?
Primary Function of Attention: Filtering out Random Noise
Data Stream Intensity differentiates Random from Sustained Signal.
Data Stream Density also differentiates Random from Sustained Signal.
Attention attunes to Data Stream Accelerations (Intensity & Density) to screen out Random Signals
3: The Importance of Repetition for Experience
‘Experience’ in the context of Information Dynamics
Neurological Evidence for the Importance of Timed Repetition
Interruptions block Experience
3A. The Biological Hierarchy & the Living Algorithm
Communication in the Biological Hierarchy
Digital Directives & Requests initiate Analog Execution
Top-Down Directives vs. Bottom-Up Requests
Attention/Living Algorithm Synergy: 1D Instants, 2D Moments, 3D Life Experience
Summary: Repetition required to generate an Experience
4. The Living Algorithm's Decay Factor
Consolidating what we have learned
Where does Life come into the picture?
Living Algorithm Algebra: D, the Decay Factor
Graphs: Decay Factor’s Range applied to a Single Point
Graphs: Decay Factor’s Range applied to an Individual Data Stream
5. Posner's Attention Model & the Decay Factor
Posner's Attention Model
Review: The Living Algorithm & Information Dynamics
Decay Factor determines Contours of Info-Dynamics Landscape
Regulating the Decay Factor to move between General & Specific Attention
High Decay Factor setting is Energy Efficient.
Information Digestion Model applied to Posner’s 3 Networks
Speculations about the Conservation of Mental Energy
6. Science Guys vs. Life on Choice
A Cool Response to Life’s Enthusiasm
Life’s Insight: Science Guys afraid of Uncertainty
Life asks for plausible Explanation for Cultural Evidence.
Science Guys justify their Mechanistic Explanation with Reason.
Life wonders how much the Microscopic & Macroscopic applies to the In-between.
6A. The Art of Choice
Life realizes that Science Guys are afraid of Uncertainty.
Living Algorithm: “Most, but not all, Biological Processes are automatic.”
Life & the Living Algorithm explore the Art of Choice via Music.
7. Mind Intent: the Source of Info Energy?
Material Explanations exhausting their Explanatory Power
Could Info Energy interact with Material Energy?
1. How does Information interact with Matter?
2. Where does the Interaction occur?
3. What is the Source of Info Energy?
The Info Energy Cycle: Mind's Influence on Body
Choice in the middle of Info Energy Cycle
8. The Sleepiness Phenomenon
The relationship between Consciousness & Attention
Life/Mind synergy: the Core of Information Digestion Model
Information Digestion System understood via Biological Digestion
Unconscious Downtime required to digest leftover mental energy.
The Decay Factor, Consciousness & the Sleepiness Phenomenon
9. Shifting Attention & the Living Algorithm
2 Types of Split Attention
Shifting Attention: Current Understanding
Information Integration Symmetries: Cognitive Science & Information Digestion Model
Information Model: Shifting Attention diminishes Potential for Insight
Shifting Attention reduces the Energy Density required for Integration.
Shifting Attention trades Body Pleasure (dopamine) for Mind Joy
Internet Surfing & Social Media include the Possibility of Transformation
10. Divided Attention & Information Dynamics
Competition between Primary & Secondary Attention
Definitions: Significant, Insignificant & No Attention
Quantity of Physical & Mental Energy is Fixed, i.e. a Constant.
Sustained Attention, Data Stream Acceleration, Number Strings & the Ideal Pulse
The Mathematics of Attention
The Mathematics of Divided Attention
11. The Mathematics of Attention
A. Living Algorithm's Derivatives: Living Average & Directional
Reflexive Living Algorithm Equations: Disobedient & Open
Ongoing Number Strings & Pulse Strings
Pulse Strings: Specific Number of Identical Elements
Processes are Answers to Living Algorithm's Number String Equations
B. A Brief Example of the Computational Process
C. Startling Answers of Living Algorithm's Number String System
D. The Algebra of Attention, Experience & Information/Knowledge
E. Attention Formula: Testable Predictions
9. The Living Algorithm's Evolutionary Potential (New)
Life ponders whether Living Algorithm provides Evolutionary Advantages
Introduction: Meta-Context
Living Algorithm's Predictive Power crucial for Complex Life Forms
16: The Living Algorithm's Evolutionary Potential (Old)
Introduction: Meta-Context
Living Algorithm's Predictive Power crucial for Complex Life Forms
Computing and Sensing Acceleration, another crucial evolutionary talent
Attention required to sense the senses
Attention focuses upon Acceleration to differentiate Order from Chaos
Parallels between the digestion of Information & Food
Conclusions: Potentials of the Living Algorithm’s Predictive Power
17: Drives, Emotions & Predictive Data Processing
Introduction (Continuation of Evolutionary Potentials)
Mathematical Roots of Internal Drives
Predictive vs. Exact Data Processing
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