Creative Pulse: Primary Assumptions

Information Dynamics Narrative #3


Following is the third narrative connected with the complex of articles concerning Information Dynamics. Its theme? The Primary Assumptions of the Creative Pulse. The setting: another Socratic conversation with the Zen men. For more background check out the 2nd narrative, which was based upon an actual experience. On a Zen retreat - a sailing trip to Catalina Island – the life long friends posed on their difficult to answer Frequently Asked Questions.

More Questions from the Zen men: "How do we know the CP Theory is valid?"

Socrates & the Captain

Socrates the Digman: “In your Pitch[1], you claimed that 'the easily comprehended mathematical models of Behavioral Dynamics reveal how to tap into the Pulse of Life to maximize health, productivity, inspiration and even fun.' (Thank you, Captain.) What are these easily comprehended mathematical models?”

Waiter: “Most are based upon the Creative Pulse.”

Lawyer: “And what do they reveal?”

Waiter: “Processes for tuning into the natural cycles of Yin and Yang to align with the Patterns of the Tao.”

Captain: “That’s a little New Age for me. Translate please?”

Waiter: “The Creative Pulse reveals simple rules for tapping into the natural cycles of activity and rest.”

Socrates: “Rules in the sense that they can be broken?”

Waiter: “Exactly. These are not invariable principles – akin to the automatic equations of matter. Instead anyone can break these rules and suffer the consequences.”

Lawyer: “Consequences?”

The Waiter

Waiter: “Bad health, lack of vitality, uninspired, burned out, bad luck … The list goes on and on.”

Lawyer: “Bad luck!?”

Captain: “Definitely in New Age territory now.”

Waiter: “Maybe. Maybe not. Tuning into natural rhythms increases good fortune by enabling one to take advantage of opportunity when it arises.”

Socrates: “I’m game. How do we tune into these natural rhythms?”

Waiter: “Wait until the precise time to push the swing.”

Captain: “Or the exact moment to push off to catch the wave.”

The Lawyer

Lawyer: “How about some techniques for surfing these naturally occurring mathematical waves?”

Waiter: “Avoid Interruptions to maximize the Peak. Take a Break after the Pulse has ended, but don’t cut it short. & Take advantage of Quantized Energy Bursts, but don’t burn out.”

 Socrates: “Slow down, my friend. You’re speaking a foreign language. Let’s start with some underlying concepts. Something we can get our mind around. First what is this Creative Pulse?”

Waiter: “In essence it is a technical mathematical construct. {Check out CP: Intro for details} But you don’t have to know anything about the mathematics to understand the theory.”

Captain: “Don’t need to understand how a computer works to surf the Internet.”

The Creative Pulse

Waiter: “Visually the Creative Pulse is a beautiful, as in elegantly simple, computer generated graph.”

Lawyer: “And what this graph represent?”

Waiter: “It models the Creative Process. The Zone, the Threshold of Generation, and the Sector of Diminishing Returns, are just some of its elements. {Check out CP: Elements for more details.}

Socrates: “How do we know these assertions are true? After all numbers don’t speak. You have projected some meaning on inert mathematics. What assurances do we have that your assumptions reflect reality? You must have reasons for believing your theory. What are they?”

Lawyer: “Yeah. What are the underlying assumptions behind this Creative Pulse Theory of yours?”

Captain: “We don't want to build our foundations on shaky ground.”

Waiter: “The foundational assumption is that the Theory fits the Evidence.”

Lawyer: “Just like in a court of law.”

Socrates: “To be reality based Theory must be rooted in the Empirical. What kind of Empirical evidence drives the Creative Pulse Theory?”

Interruptions of the Creative Pulse

Waiter: “The Interruption Phenomenon inspired my quest to find a mathematical model.”

Lawyer: “The Interruption Phenomenon? Sounds pretty weird.”

Waiter: “Actually happens quite frequently. It’s simple. The duration of an interruption seems to be disproportionate to its impact upon the Session, whatever it might be. I’ve experienced this personally as a Creator. Intimate theaters have institutionalized the phenomenon when they lock the doors before the performance begins. Haven’t you experienced this annoying distraction when giving a presentation?" (See Unassailable Examples.)

Socrates: “Why did you want to find a mathematical model?”

Waiter: “The underlying constructs of a successful mathematical model define, or at least suggest, the nature of reality.”

Captain: “Whoa! That’s a big assumption.”

Waiter: “Actually a common human assumption. For instance: if all scientists agree that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is true, amateur philosophers, science fiction writers and even TV watchers entertain the notion of a space-time continuum with distorted time – despite the fact that it violates our common sense conception of reality.” (See Creative Pulse: First Assumption.)

Socrates: “Let me get this straight. If this is an assumption, could it conceivably be false?”

Waiter: “Of course. Actually Copernicus challenged Ptolemy’s earth-based universe construct even though the theory made accurate predictions.” {See Copernicus and Elegant Simplicity}

Lawyer: “Then what criterion must be satisfied to verify the accuracy of your model?

Captain: “We need some solid ground before we can begin laying the cement.”

Waiter: “If a mathematical model satisfies the three affirmations, the constructs acquire validity.” {See Creative Pulse: First Assumptions}

Socrates: “Three affirmations?”

Lawyer: “Is this one of those ‘Secret’ things? Power of positive thinking and such?”

Captain: “Or techniques for building self esteem?”

Waiter: “No. Just some technical requirements for building confidence in a mathematical model or theory.”

Socrates: “And these are?”

Waiter: “First, the model must fit the requirements of the Empirical. In my case the Creative Pulse fit the requirements of the Interruption Phenomenon.”

Lawyer: “Requirements?”

Captain: “Are these like LSAT scores, grades, and the teacher recommendations needed to get into law school?”

Waiter: “Exactly. In the case of the Interruption Phenomenon the Creative Pulse had to somehow accurately model the Creative Session, including Inspiration, and the disproportionate impact of an Interruption. Not easy requirements to fulfill.”

Socrates: “Your mathematical model satisfied the first affirmation?"

Waiter: "To my satisfaction."

Socrates: "What are the others?”

Waiter: “If the mathematics extend into unrelated realms, this is a big plus. But if the implications of the theory are experienced experientially, this is the third, and probably most conclusive, affirmation. Newton’s occult force of gravity has become real due its experiential component. {See Gravity, an occult force?} Einstein’s space-time continuum has remained in the realm of science fiction due to this lack.”

Captain: “Most of us don’t move close to the speed of light very often.”

Socrates: “Has your Creative Pulse satisfied the three affirmations?”

Waiter: “Yes. I experience the Pulse and its implications multiple times daily.”

Lawyer: “So this means that your so-called constructs are true?”

Socrates: “Or does it mean that we can assume that they are true?”

Captain: “And then on the assumption that they are true, can we cross-check the implications of the underlying constructs with our perception of reality – to further validate or invalidate the theory.”

Socrates: “Or better yet. If we assume the constructs are true, what does this tell us about the nature of reality?”

Lawyer: “And do we want to modify or change our perception of reality based upon these theoretical models?”

Waiter: “Only if they make enough sense – if you experience them deep inside your connective tissues – if you feel them to be true with your Heart rather than just understanding them with your Brain, then and only then do these constructs become real.”

Captain: “Have we slipped into New Age again?”

Socrates: “I think he is just saying that we must experience the concepts to know they are true."

Waiter: "Thank you. Digman."

Lawyer: "So what are these underlying constructs and their implications?”

Waiter: “The Pulse is fading – moving into the sector of diminishing returns. Next Session.”

[1] Hope to turn this into a U-Tube visual. Great suggestion, Digger.