11. Living Algorithm System:
Mathematical Web for Cognitive Mysteries

Growing Web of Correspondence between Living Algorithm & Reality


The web of correspondences between the Living Algorithm’s (LA) mathematical system and living systems continues to grow. Our studies now link the LA's system with 5 different experimentally-verified phenomena – the Interruption Phenomenon, Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Necessity, the Importance of Naps, and now the Biology of Sleep. What is the relevance?

 Immaterial Mathematical System linked with 5 Cognitive Phenomena

The Living Algorithm System is mathematical in nature. It is not mechanical, electrical, thermodynamic, neurological, biological, chemical or psychological. Instead, it is a system of information digestion based solely in mathematics. As such, it has neither a material nor a psychological basis. The Living Algorithm Information System is sheer mathematics. Strangely enough this ultimately immaterial system has links with 5 diverse phenomena, both behavioral and biological - all in the field of cognitive science.

No Traditional System proposed to model Cognitive Mysteries

Further, the finest minds in cognitive science have not proposed another competing system to describe the inner workings of these 5 diverse phenomena. Cognitive scientists possess an overwhelming abundance of analytical power. Due to the complex nature of the brain, cognitive science has links with myriad scientific disciplines – both the hard and soft sciences. Cognitive science conferences must be held in large cities, to accommodate the large influx of brilliant multi-disciplinary researchers, who specialize in the brain. Most, if not all, of these participants are aware of some, if not most, of these unsolved behavioral phenomena. Some have even spent a substantial part of their careers studying particular aspects of these mysterious sectors of cognition. Through the ins and outs of research and statistically significant findings published in the multitude of journals, this illustrious group of cognitive specialists has explored every possible system and subsystem as a possible explanation for each individual mystery – without success. One scientist expressed a longing for a mathematical model that would provide a foundation for his neurological findings regarding creativity. He hopefully suggested that the string theory of Physics might provide the key.

Living Algorithm Mathematics links enigmatic Phenomena

Despite the sustained attention of the brightest minds of our era for decades, cognitive scientists have yet to find a plausible explanation for even one of these enigmas. The negative impact of sleep on cognitive performance, the necessity of sleep, the positive impact of naps on cognitive performance, the disproportionate negative impact of interruptions on a productive sesssion, and the biology of sleep, all remain cognitive mysteries. Our studies, however, have exhibited that the Living Algorithm System exhibits distinct patterns of correspondence with each of these curious phenomena. This linkage is accomplished via 6 different mathematical features of the Living Algorithm. Sheer unadulterated mathematics link interruptions, sleep deprivation, sleep necessity, naps & the biology of sleep, all in one integrated package. Further, this system contains no internal or external contradictions. Instead, the System/Phenomena linkage is self-supporting and self-informing with each feature adding insights to the rest. The blessed Feedback Effect.

Conceptual Evolution of Mathematical Constructs

Triple Pulse: Malleability of Time

To consolidate our thinking let us trace the conceptual evolution of the mathematical constructs associated with the Living Algorithm's Triple Pulse, the prime focus of our current investigation. Our thinking regarding the meanings of the Triple Pulse's components has evolved over the course of these multiple studies. There are a few noteworthy aspects to this evolution. One of these noteworthy aspects has to do with the malleability of the Triple Pulse model with regards to time duration. In our studies we’ve associated the Active Pulse with a 2-hour creative session, 16 hours of waking time, and 4 hours of productive time. Simultaneously we’ve associated the Rest Pulse with 8 hours of sleep, and a nap of any duration. As pointed out previously, Triple Pulse mathematics supports this malleability of time.

Evolution of Concepts associated with the Active & Rest Pulses

The second aspect is more remarkable. This has to do with the evolution of the concepts associated with each pulse. Our studies, chronicled in prior articles, have linked the Triple Pulse to existing experimental results. These observational studies associate the Active Pulse with a creative session, consciousness, our ability to think, productive time, and attention. These same studies associate the Rest Pulse with sleep time, unconsciousness and naptime.

Pulse Associations mutually supportive, not contradictory

The group of associations linked to the Active Pulse could easily belong to one family. A productive session demands consciousness, the ability to think, and attention. Similarly, the concepts associated with the Rest Pulse could also belong to a common family. The down time of the Rest Pulse could easily be linked with each of the diverse states – naps, sleep, the state of unconsciousness, or even a shift in modality. These associations are remarkable in that they indicate a mutual relationship rather than arousing any sort of cognitive dissonance.

General Correspondences mutually supportive, not contradictory

We have explored patterns of correspondence between the Living Algorithm System and 5 diverse phenomena (behavioral and biological). Thus far these patterns of correspondences appear to be mutually supportive rather than contradictory. This acts as strong validation to the presumed associations. This inner connectivity also provides further support for the notion that the Living Algorithm Information System corresponds with human behavior.

A Table: How the Meanings of the Active and Rest Pulses have evolved

Let's explore this evolution by examining the following table. The 5 phenomena that we have linked to the Triple Pulse are listed in the column on left of the table. This table of comparisons exhibits the noteworthy aspects of this evolution, mentioned above. The second and third columns exhibit the malleability of the Triple Pulse model with regards to time duration. The fourth and fifth columns list the evolution of the associations with each pulse.

Active P
Rest P
Active Pulse
Rest Pulse
2 hours
Creative Session
Sleep Deprivation
16 hours
8 hours
Cognitive Abilities
Sleep Necessity
16 hours
8 hours
Importance of Naps
4 hours
1/2 hour
Productive Time
Sleep Biology
16 hours
8 hours

The Evolution of the Liminals: Subconscious Cognition

The Liminals are another feature of Triple Pulse mathematics that provides explanatory power. Let's examine the evolution of the mysterious Liminals. In the initial Creative Pulse Experiment we noticed that the Creative Pulse and the Liminals naturally fade out together at the end of the pulse. This same mathematical mechanism holds true for the Triple Pulse. The Liminals naturally fade out at the end of both the Active and Rest Pulses. Further when the Liminals aren't allowed to fade out naturally due to interruptions to the Rest Pulse, their latent activity interferes with the following Active Pulse, inhibiting his potentials. This mathematical mechanism parallels the well-established Sleep Deprivation Phenomenon. In the examination of the necessity of sleep we found that, although the body is shut down, the brain continues to be incredibly active during sleep. The activity of the Liminals during the Sleep cycle parallels this neurological phenomenon. These correspondences led us to suggest that the Liminals are associated with subconscious cognition.

Six mathematical processes parallel five diverse phenomena

Our investigation has now linked 4 different features of the Triple Pulse - the Active Pulse, the Rest Pulse, the Living Average, and the Liminals – with experimental findings in cognitive science. Further their relationships have been mutually supporting and complementary rather than contradictory. In addition, multiple mathematical processes associated with the Triple Pulse provide the linkages. With the inclusion of Biological Sleep, there are now 5 unexplained phenomena that are linked by the Living Algorithm's mathematical web. The web is comprised of 6 mathematical processes. They are:

1) ‘Interruptions’ to the Pulse of Attention parallels interruptions to the productive session.

2) 'Interruptions' or 'shortening' the Rest Pulse parallels the effects of Sleep Deprivation.

3) The mathematical fact that a Rest Pulse is necessary to refresh the Active Pulse parallels the necessity of sleep and the importance of naps.

4) The energetic mathematical activity of Liminals during the Rest Pulse parallels the brain’s activity during sleep.

5) The Triple Pulse's Living Average parallels the 'opponent process' model of biological sleep.

6) The interaction between the Triple Pulse and the Living Average provides a plausible explanation for the 'opponent process' model of biological sleep.

A Table: Triple Pulse Processes & Experimental Reality

Here's a table that exhibits these links.

Triple Pulse Features  
Interruptions to Creative Pulse  
Sleep Deprivation
Interruptions to Rest Pulse  

Sleep Necessity & Naps

Rest Pulse required to prevent fade out Liminals active during down time
Sleep Biology
Living Average Living Average/Triple Pulse linkage


At this point in our investigation 6 diverse mathematical processes of the Living Algorithm's mathematical model parallel the experimental results supporting the existence of 5 unexplained phenomena. Further there are no contradictions or discrepancies.

A Causal Relation? Why are the Triple Pulse & Behavioral Phenomena linked?

A Correlation between System & Phenomena or a Confounding Variable?

  It is apparent that there is a distinct correspondence between the Living Algorithm System and multiple behavioral phenomena. What is the root of this linkage? Is there a causal correlation between the two? Or is there some third confounding variable from a more traditional approach that is just waiting to be discovered by some brilliant scientist that will explain everything – mysteries and linkages?

No Whys, although Multiple Whats (5 linkages)

In the article From Why to What we explored the idea that the natural philosophers of ancient times observed reality and then asked the question of Why. Why does this happen? Why is this such and so? They then used their reasoning to determine the answer. The Copernicus-spawned Scientific Revolution changed this relationship. Henceforth the scientific community first explored the question of What. Through careful observation, experimentation, theorizing and testing, they established what really happened. After this process they then asked the question Why? Why are these factors correlated? Why is there a connection? In this way they anchored their theories to factual observations rather than speculating about why events occurred.

Answer to Why frequently lags the Answer to What

Sometimes the answer to the Why question lags substantially behind the answer to the What question. For instance in the case of Newtonian gravity, it took hundreds of years to determine the Why behind the What. (See Occult Gravity?) Although the mathematics of the Newtonian gravitational theory fit the empirical data almost perfectly, it took Einstein’s brilliance to determine the Why behind the What of how Gravity works. Similarly, the Living Algorithm System has provided a mathematical web for previously unexplained phenomena; but thus far in our investigation we have not provided an answer to the Why question. Why is there a correlation between the System and the Empirical World? Is there a causal connection behind the linkage?

Could the Living Algorithm System be Life's Info Processing System?

Could the above-mentioned correspondences have any connection with the way in which living systems digest information? Could the deceptively simple Living Algorithm be the basis of that system? Could there be a pattern of correspondence between the Living Algorithm's Triple Pulse and the necessity of Sleep because living systems employ the Living Algorithm to digest information? Do these leading questions have as much substance as the early morning fog? Or is there something substantial behind these shadowy forms? Is it even plausible that biological systems employ the Living Algorithm algorithm to digest information? And even if the Living Algorithm is Life's digestion system, how does this provide a causal mechanism that links mathematics with empirical reality? Who knows? Read on to find out.

Links: strengthening mathematical foundations for structural support

 This is the conclusion of the first sequence of exploratory encounters between our unusual bedfellows. It is time for the relationship to move to a new level. Will Science approve this growing relationship between Mathematics and Human Behavior? Or will the scientific establishment reject the relationship due to the lack of rigor? This is the end of the first book in this series. If you are curious as to how this unusual relationship turns out, check out the next notebook in the series – Living Algorithm: Mathematics of the Moment. It begins with Data Stream Mathematics.

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