Dynamics Narratives & Bios
Paragraph Headings

Dyn0-1 DynLife wants Causal Mechanism

Life looking for her special Mathematics, like Physics provides for Matter

Behavior of Living Algorithm transformations parallels Life’s Human Behavior

Are the parallels between the Living Algorithm and Life another case of incomplete information?

Might Life employ Living Algorithm to digest Data Streams?

Living Algorithm’s Cloud fulfills Life Immediacy Requirement

Living Algorithm satisfies Life’s remaining 3 ordeals

Could Cell mimic Life’s behavior because she is Life’s tool?

Life: “Why did I choose the Creative Pulse & Triple Pulse out of Cell’s infinite possibilities?”

Cell: “Data Stream Dynamics provides causal mechanism.”

Life wants to meet the Living Algorithm, not her transformations

Life views Living Algorithm & Physics as Complementary Systems

Physics looks down on the Living Algorithm

Physics denies any common ground

Physics has sense of inadequacy due to inability to address Life’s special features

Common Ancestry: Newtonian Dynamics

Time to get to know the Living Algorithm's Instantaneous Self, her Algebra

What are the Living Algorithm's essences?


Dyn 1-2: Life ready to meet Living Algorithm Family

Living Algorithm fulfills Life's desires for an Operating System

Prior encounters with Physics & Probability prejudice Life against Math

Instead of assisting Life’s Quest for Actualization, they attempt to put her in a Box.

Life looking for Mathematics who can unlock the Code to her Matrix

Initial encounters between Life & Living Algorithm: Codes nearly identical

Does Living Algorithm's Creative & Triple Pulse reveal Life's code?

Cell satisfies Life’s desires for an operating system

Time meet her family.

Union of Data Stream & Living Algorithm yields Family of Measures

Refined Measures give Raw Data Stream meaning

Living Algorithm & Data Stream provide each other Meaning & Purpose

Could Living Algorithm Measures translate Data Stream Language for Life?

Diagrams: Data Stream + Living Algorithm = Measures. Data Stream * Measures = Meaning.

Could Cell's Family be Life's translator for her Data Streams?

Introduction to Living Algorithm's General Form for a deeper understanding


Dyn1 Bio: Simple Beginning & Collaborative Flowering

Obsessive Record Keeper begins tabulating hours of daily behavior

Yearning for an ongoing Average to characterize personal Data Streams

Early Meditation Class crystallizes Ideas, catalyzing insight

Immediately in Love with Living Algorithm: easy-to-compute & relevant information

Had no idea how incredibly unique she was

Collaboration required to clarify writings

Laurie: Break Living Algorithm mathematics from Main Article Stream

Collective Attention leads to Flowering of Living Algorithm Understanding


Dyn2 Bio: The Living Algorithm Family: Evolution of Understanding

1978 Muse reveals Equation for the Living Average

Living Average not enough; wanted Range of Variation

1994: From the Standard Deviation to the Deviation

& The 'useless' Directional

2002: The Creative Pulse

Surge of 2010>2012: the Living Algorithm Family generates a Predictive Cloud


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