According to the string theory of Physics, multiple parallel universes can exist simultaneously. This chapter introduces a parallel universe into our discourse. Thus far we have traveled the Left Brain’s world of logical exposition. The question that the expository world of our 1st volume is attempting to answer is basic. Does the Living Algorithm’s mathematical system actually mimic human behavior? Rephrased: Is there any correspondence between these two systems? Are these reasonable propositions? This world is relatively emotionless.
In contrast, our parallel universe is filled with emotion. This world is based in the Right Brain’s world of metaphorical thinking. The question that is asked is similar to, but different than the prior. Is there a mathematical system that can model features that are unique to living systems, such as the ability to choose? Rephrased in terms of our metaphor: Can Life find a mathematical guide to assist her in the quest for self-actualization – perhaps unlock the code to her living matrix?
Although parallel, our worlds interact in strange ways. The white-coded exposition frames the exploration in terms of sheer curiosity, while the pink-coded metaphor acknowledges the emotional content behind the quest. Specifically, the metaphorical treatment addresses the Author’s frustration concerning the scientific community’s bold claims that the behavior of living systems is ultimately material in nature – determined by the automatic behavior of either atoms, genes, neural networks, and/or electronic processing.
Responding to this frustration, he performed his own life-long investigation into human behavior, which is documented in the expository style. However, this method of symbolizing his reaction to existence, only addressed his intellectual objections. The following treatment completes the picture by symbolizing his underlying emotional response – the internal motivation that is a driving force behind the entire investigation.
Life’s breast heaves with a mighty sigh. “Will I ever find a mathematics of my own? Many of my friends say ‘No’. To justify their position, they pose the question. ‘How could a rigid system such as mathematics possibly be employed to characterize anything so spontaneous as you, the magnificent Life?’
”I frequently wonder the same thing: “How can an approach, whose answers are either right or wrong, capture the nuances of my many subtleties? So far, the only mathematics I have met have been associated with the sterile automatic world of matter. While I don't have anything against mathematics in particular, I have yet to meet a mathematics that is sensitive to my immediacy. So far the only mathematics I have ever met completely ignores my ability to make informed choices. Because of my experience, I am beginning to feel that there is not a mathematics anywhere, who can speak my language.
“Yet I’m curiously attracted to mathematics because it is a powerful language that provides great insight into the material world. But his material language leaves me more than a bit cold. I try not to form judgments, but I am even becoming a little prejudiced against mathematics in general. Many of my friends tell me that I am doomed to mathematical isolation, because no mathematics can speak my language. Yet, I believe a meaningful relationship is possible – that I have a mathematical soul mate out there somewhere. I dream of a mathematics that can relate to the features that make me special.
“Maybe I have been looking in all the wrong places. I realize that the only mathematics I have met so far have been members of the Physics, Electronics and Probability crowd – the matter specialists. Due to so many discouraging interactions, I am beginning to feel that this is the not the right place to meet the mathematics of my dreams. Physics only views me as a bunch of tiny particles – Probability just relates to my general features – and Electronics theorizes that I am merely a digital information processing machine – a computer. None of these prime suitors have any understanding of what makes me special.
“In fact, I feel they treat me like an object, rather than a living, breathing being. I am so tired of being characterized as an unthinking sack of dirt or as some idealized identity. I yearn to be viewed as a unique, thinking individual. I especially hate it when the dust specialists state confidently that they are on the verge of predicting my every move with their intimidating mathematical language. Who do these guys think they are? What does their language say about Inspiration, Passion, Intent and Choice – the experiences that mean the most to me?
"Just because I happen to be composed of atoms, they think that is all that I am. What happens when atoms are organized into living systems? Do the rules for atomic behavior govern all my possibilities as a living system? No! Although composed of atoms, as an animate, thinking organism, I relate to the world via information in a manner that inanimate, unthinking atoms do not. What about my unique, innate nature as an information processor? Their matter lacks the capacity to even recognize information, let alone digest it. Poooh! My ability to digest information makes me special - different from their microscopic dirt and grand idealized sets. Have they ever looked at me as a biological entity that digests information? No! When they think of information processing they think of inanimate electronics, and have generated models that make me look like a TV set or a computer. Intoxicated by their fabulous successes at predicting the behavior of dust and electrons, they only see me through this filter while ignoring all my special qualities." Neglected for so many centuries, she begins silently weeping. "I am more than a series of inanimate, atomic collisions. But where is the mathematics that will recognize me for the qualities that make me unique?
“I am coming to believe that my suitors, Physics, Probability and Electronics, are more interested in incorporating me into their system than truly understanding me. I wonder if I need to search for a different sort of relationship. Perhaps I am not as interested in a suitor as in finding a good friend. I want this friend to be a mathematics who, rather than dominating me with his system, instead cultivates a special relationship that taps into my spontaneity, passion and inspiration."
Then Life heard rumors of a mathematics coming from a place far from the hallowed halls of her prestigious suitors. “People say that this mathematics is an interesting character, who calls herself the Living Algorithm. Her followers claim that her method of information processing is sensitive to context. They say that she is the mathematics of the moment, of informed choice, and of relationship. Could these claims possibly be true? Can I, Life truly form a relationship with the mathematical perspective of the Living Algorithm?”
For the analytical Left Brain perspective, read The Pulse of Attention: An Introduction. To continue with the metaphorical Right Brain perspective, read on.
Intrigued by the myriad possibilities of a different kind of mathematics, Life arranged for a meeting with the Living Algorithm.
In preparation for her encounter, Life reflects upon her situation: “In the process of trying to understand myself better, I have been looking around for a mathematical guide. I have observed that mathematics is a unique language that provides powerful insights into the workings of the physical world. Look at all the technological marvels that were made possible after Physics unlocked Matter's secret code with his mathematics.
“Of course I am also composed of inanimate atoms – the physical building blocks of the universe. But much of this universe lacks an important quality that I possess – I am alive (in case you hadn’t noticed). The awesome power of the mathematics of traditional Physics is in its articulation of universal laws as applied to the world of inanimate matter. But I am searching for the unique power of a mathematical language that is applied particularly to living matter. I yearn to find a mathematics that will help unlock the secret code to my living matrix.”
“How disappointing it was when Physics tried to apply Matter's mathematical code to me. It became apparent that he had only one thing on his mind – my atoms. How dare he treat me like an object! If he thought that this was the way to understand me, he was fumbling around in the dark. He wasn’t even interested in the possibility of a deeper relationship. I had almost given up hope of finding a mathematical language that could provide powerful insights into my unique condition as a living being. Where is the mathematics that will aid in my quest to actualize my potentials?”
Then along came the Living Algorithm. Because of her prior experiences, Life was a bit wary. "These equations are quick to claim anything. They promise me the world and then attempt to define my behavior so specifically that I feel I'm going to suffocate. Or else they boldly make statements about the most trivial aspects of my existence and pretend that what they say is important. Well, I'm not impressed. Perhaps this Living Algorithm will be better than the rest. I'm trying not to be skeptical. It would give me hope if she could just unlock a single code.”
"Hmmm? There she is now. So that’s the Living Algorithm. Certainly not much to look at. I wonder what her followers see in her? She looks so simple. And I'm so complex. I can't imagine what kind of guidance she could possibly provide. But there I am, being negative again. I must enter into this encounter with an open mind – putting all my judgments aside. Let's see what she has to say for herself."
Sensitive to Life's skeptical gaze, the Living Algorithm attempted to ease her fears. "Greetings. I can sense that you have had a difficult time with equations. It probably wasn't that comfortable being squeezed into their airtight containers. Always slipping out through the cracks. None of these characters were particularly sensitive to your spontaneity - your changeable side. Rest assured, I am quite different from those other equations. I am here to help out, not confine you. Stick with me as we begin to uncover the secret code to your matrix. Understanding your secret code will help enable you to maximize your potentials."
Life was excited to hear a mathematics that spoke her language, but she wanted something real, not just empty promises. Could it be possible that there is a mathematics that lacks the rigidity of her former suitors, yet still maintains the powerful insight of a mathematical language?
Living Algorithm: "Although I may appear to be quite simple, I create a system that goes through many transformations. You see, my sole function is digesting data streams. This process creates a system. This system comes in different guises depending upon the data stream that is being digested. For instance, when I digest a data stream consisting solely of ones, I give birth to the Creative Pulse. This is probably my favorite transformation, as she is so basic and so beautiful."
“The Triple Pulse emerges when I digest a different information flow. The results are dependent on what I am fed. My digestion process is always the same. The results derived from these transformations appear to reveal different aspects of your code that you might find useful. Experimental evidence from the contemporary field of cognitive science indicates that each of these transformations reflects a pattern that correlates with important elements of your behavior."
Stunned, Life didn't know what to say. Thoughts begin to flit through her mind. "Finally a mathematics that is at least trying to unlock the code to my matrix." She inquires, "But these transformations of yours, what do they consist of?"
Alga: "Graphic visualizations of what happens when I digest a data stream. These graphs enable an observer to conceptualize the patterns that result from my interaction with data streams."
Life spoke excitedly, "Do these graphs have equations associated with them? According to my limited understanding, equations are mathematical formulas that articulate a clearly defined set of results. These formulas have provided an abundance of powerful and relevant information to Matter. I was hoping for some equations of my own – although not in such a mechanistic manner. Am I asking too much?"
“It was amazing to me when physicists began visualizing their equations in graphic form. There was something about these visualizations that made the equation take on a coherent meaning for me. In the simplest case, they plot the relationship between 2 variables on an x-y axis, what they call Cartesian coordinates. Your graphs must have some equations with variables associated with them. I bet my variables are fascinating. I can't wait to hear the secrets that my variables reveal? I bet they reveal some intriguing aspects of my code?"
Living Algorithm: "Sorry to disappoint you. Each equation of Physics has a particular set of variables that manifest as a specific graph. My graphs, which are my transformations, result from a different sort of equation that contains no significant variables. While Physics has a multitude of equations, each with its own set of variables and its own unique graph, I am the only equation in my system.”
Life: “You’re the only equation in your system? Do you really think that one equation can hope to address my complexity?”
“Hear me out. My mathematical approach doesn’t identify underlying variables. Therefore it does not represent universal principles that articulate the relationship between variables. Rather, my approach is grounded in capturing a sense of the momentum of a series of moments that are produced when I digest a particular data stream. You must observe me in action to uncover my multitude of secrets. The unique behavior of my graphs is the direct result of the unique nature of the living data stream as it encounters my digestive system (my equation)."
Life: "No equations? I thought all graphs have equations and all equations can be graphed."
Alga cautiously: "Not quite. The relationship between graphs and equations is not always so straight forward. Not all equations can be graphed and there are actually many types of graphs that have no equations associated with them. But I understand your confusion. To better comprehend the type of graphs associated with my method check out the following article. The Author examines the difference between my Pulse of Attention and the usual graphs. This discussion will provide you with a better perspective on some of the features that make me unique."
For the analytical Left Brain perspective, read The Pulse of Attention: the Graph. To continue with the metaphorical Right Brain perspective, read on.
Living Algorithm: "Well, what do you think?"
Life: "The Author's discussion was quite illuminating. I had no idea there were so many different types of graphs. It is also evident that your method of digesting information generates a unique type of graph. But I still don't understand what relevance your equation has for me."
Alga cautiously: "Now there are equations and there are equations. The equations with multiple variables that you seem to be longing for belong to the mathematics of traditional Physics. There is another set of equations that are associated with the laws of Probability, and these produce measures (for instance averages) that characterize the features of fixed sets. The equations associated with this approach are not subject to a graphic representation. So, while the equations of Physics produce graphs and the equations of Probability do not, my style of equation represents a uniquely different approach. The essence of my approach is my obsession with digesting data streams."
Life: "Good. Dynamic data streams are my obsession, too. Data streams, and how I relate to data streams, shape my experience. When I say my experience, I mean the experience of all living things. In a powerful sense, the building blocks of experience are data streams. I’m hoping my life experiences are as positive and productive as possible. Doesn’t everyone? Ultimately that is what we are all trying to do in our own unique way. Understanding the inner workings of experience will make this objective more attainable. This motive leads me to search for direction from a mathematical system that can provide illuminating information about my living data streams."
Living Algorithm: "Terrific! My system is tailor-made for your motive. As the sole equation in my system, I specialize in relating moments in the data stream in order to uncover patterns in experience. My method reveals the trajectories of individual moments. These changing trajectories are the subject of the graphs – my transformations. Hence, the equation I embody produces a multitude of graphic patterns as various as the number of possible data streams. Although my manifestations are dynamic and changeable, they reveal some significant patterns of living data streams."
Life: "I appreciate our common interest in data streams, but let me get this straight. You are the only equation in your system and you manifest as graphs that have no variables associated with them? What kind of mathematical system are you? To be honest, I'm terribly disappointed. It sounds like you are more of an ungrounded abstraction. People are capable of seeing patterns in the simplest coincidences. Mathematics can be the unwitting tool of pseudo-science, which lacks the empirical confirmation of the established scientific method. I am not interested in that type of mathematics. How can I be assured that your approach to pattern recognition embodies the mathematical validity of real science? While I appreciate your attentions to my plight, I don't think that you're what I'm looking for."
Living Algorithm: "I can see that you've never met a mathematics like me before. Scientific validity, when applied to a living data stream, is going to look different than anything you’ve ever seen. Isn’t that what you’re really looking for – a unique approach to your unique living matrix? Traditional Physics, whose variables you are attracted to, is looking for equations that express universal mathematical relationships between variables. But I, the Living Algorithm, am a universal process that relates a sequence of moments in a data stream.
"Since these sequences are ever changing, the expressed relationships are also constantly changing. The only constant is my universal method of digesting data streams. Because of this fundamental difference in our methods, the form of the answers we reveal will also be fundamentally different. While Physics reveals his secrets through the relationship between his variables, I reveal my secrets through my transformations."
Life was more than a little skeptical. But the Living Algorithm was her only candidate for the position of mathematical guide. The other approaches weren't able to reveal anything about the issues that made her special. She wanted to leave, but, somewhat out of desperation, decided to give the Living Algorithm a chance.
"Before meeting these so-called transformations of yours, I need to be introduced to your method. Hopefully this will establish your mathematical validity. I need some assurance that you don’t just represent another fanciful idea that lacks confirmation in this real, living world. Otherwise, let's end this relationship before it has begun and avoid wasting either of our times. I really hate trivial interactions. I crave a relationship that is going somewhere."
Alga: "The next article in the Left Brain’s alternate universe addresses your uncertainty. My friends wrote it. It's pretty good. They discuss the visual methodology behind our investigation. To better understand my mathematical credentials, check out The Living Algorithm's Visual Methodology. To remain in the metaphorical realm, read Life encouraged by Living Algorithm's Visual Methodology.."