Practical Applications

Elements & Features of the Creative Pulse


What are the technical elements or features of the Creative Pulse? Article Summary.

The Unadorned Elegant Simplicity of the Creative Pulse

Having established the context for this exploration of practical applications, allow me to introduce the unadorned Creative Pulse – the foundation of the theory under discussion. Here she is. Whew! So gorgeous – the epitome of elegant simplicity – nothing less.

120 intervals of unspecified duration

Let’s examine some of her salient elements. First, there are 120 equally spaced time durations. This occurred naturally without manipulation or intention. If they represent one second intervals, the entire length of the Pulse would be 2 minutes – five seconds intervals for a 10 minute pulse – one minute intervals lead to a two hour pulse – 3 day intervals a one year pulse – or a one month interval a 10 year pulse, and so forth. The beauty of mathematics with her ability to extrapolate and extend.

Assumption: Sustained Attention generates and Interruptions diminish the Pulse

The first assumption or postulate is that Sustained Attention is required to generate the Pulse and that Interruptions diminish it. The Attention must be sustained over these 120 intervals – whether seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, or years to generate the classic curve pictured above. A creative session, a lecture, daily practice, a career, or generations could generate this Pulse. As we shall see, interruptions in attention – whether in the form of text messaging, a phone call, daydreaming, laziness, a career break or even a vacation – will substantially diminish the Crest of the Pulse – depending upon the size, frequency and/or stage at which they occur in the process.

Breaking the Pulse into components based upon the Impact of Interruptions

The following chart shows the anatomy of the Pulse – naming its parts. The unique impact of interruptions at different times in the process determines the divisions.

The Impact of Specific Zones on Pulse’s Peak and Area

Interruption impacts two measures of Pulse size: 1) the amplitude or height of the Peak, and 2) the total Area under the line. To gain a cursory understanding of what factors influence these crucial measures let's examine the basic stage in this ubiquitous mechanism, which pervades all aspects of life. Interruptions after the Peak have no influence whatsoever on the Amplitude. Interruptions during the Tail have no impact upon the Peak and minimal impact upon the Area. Interruptions during the Head of the process have a greater impact than the Tail, but can be recovered from. Interruptions during the Heart of the process are most devastating to both the Peak and Area of Pulse.

The Threshold of Generation

There is one last component of the Creative Pulse – the Threshold of Generation. This is a crucial boundary. If the Pulse doesn’t pass this point the water doesn’t boil and tea can’t be made. If attention is sustained for a sufficient duration of time – the accumulation reaches the boundary, the Threshold of Generation, and Inspiration, the Zone, or just a Great Time occurs. Conversely if attention is not sustained for a sufficient time – too many distractions or interruptions – this boundary is not crossed and the Participant remains in the Land of the Ordinary – never even realizing there is an extraordinary realm at hand – or is incredibly frustrated because the Creative Session has been aborted before reaching the Promised Land – due to unexpected interruptions or lack of time. Technically the Threshold is an arbitrary boundary between the bottom of the Pulse and the Crest. Although arbitrary this line very real – the difference between somewhat productive and inspired. Of course this inspiration – achieving the Crest – has many forms – some destructive as well as the constructive.


Now that we have named the parts of the Creative Pulse for easier reference, let us proceed to some specifics.

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