37: Difficult explanations lead to Bliss

‘Good Enough’ explanation of Light doesn’t work at the Edges

Spewing about: The Reflection of light - a common every day occurrence - at the Root of the Mystery.

Many great scientists, from Newton onwards, speculated about why light reflects the way it does. The common speculation had to do with light being a wave. This explanation worked just fine - ‘practically speaking’ - for every day situations, for every day experiments, with common every day tools.

However when reflecting light was studied with exceptional tools and exceptional techniques, aberrations and anomalies abound. Suddenly the logical System that Mind created, quite naturally - sprung a leak - a big gusher, in fact. If light was truly a wave, then many experimental results were unexplainable. This was the situation for quite some time. Then came QED, quantum electrodynamics.

Reader: “What did they discover?”

Something very unusual - Counterintuitive, as it were - Left us screaming and running into the night.

Reader: “Did they discover that Light was actually a form of Matter - made up of photons, the smallest particles of light, these ‘corpuscles of light’, as Newton called them?”

Sort of - very sort of.

Reader: “What specifically did they discover?”

They discovered a mathematical model that would yield nearly perfect predictions. When the Model was applied to any situation regarding the interactions of Light and Matter - fairly basic elements - it yielded accurate predictive results - which have led to many of the technological miracles of modern science.

Reader: “Enough bragging, what did they discover?”

Just a way to predict how nature would behave. They figured out a way to get the right answer.

Reader: “Why does their method work?”

They have no idea. But it does - As evidenced by the technological miracles we are surrounded by.

Reader: “Let me get this straight. QED came up with a method but has no idea why it works?”


Reader: “Why not stick with the ‘good enough’ explanation that light is a wave, which worked just fine for everyday circumstances - for the everyday human being?”

Good Enough Explanation confirms Preconceived Notions - Leading Nowhere

It didn’t work. But more importantly it led to a confirmation of preconceived notions - a continuation of the present way of Being. In short this common every day explanation led nowhere, while ‘the exact’ explanation - which was hard to understand - and flaunted the way we humans tend to view the world - has led to a fantasy land of human invention - seemingly unparalleled during human history.

Similarly a ‘good enough’ explanation of the relation between Person and Self, leads to life as normal - which is ‘good enough’ for most People.

But not for Me.

Pain and suffering - never will it end -
      And now we go again -
Until we break our attachment to our Person
      Then we are set free
Into the Bliss of Pure Being - Unobstructed Reality.

Exact Explanation, while counter intuitive - Leads to riches beyond imagination

While the exact explanation of this relation between Person and Self is - confusing, hard to grasp, emotionally disturbing, counter intuitive, ‘against our very way of life’ - It leads to the Freedom and Peace of the Inner Kingdom. This inner garden contains more wealth than Ali Baba’s hidden caves.

But why it works we are not quite sure.

Wave people are perfect with single reflection, not multiple

Specifics of the Physicists world: The amount of Light reflected from a single surface is about 4%, which fits in with the predictions of wave theory - but not particle theory. The wave theorists argued logically that part of the energy of the wave was absorbed by the reflective medium, and the rest was reflected. The particle theorists had no plausible explanation as to why certain light photons, Newton’s corpuscles, were reflected and others weren’t.

While the wave people hit the bull’s eye with their single surface, they were far off the mark with the amount of Light energy reflected from a double surface. The wave theorists would have predicted a straight 8% - 4% reflected from the first added to 4% more reflected from the second surface. The experimental results ranged between 0 and 16%. Not even close to the 8% prediction of the wave theorists.

Particle physicists explain data of multiple reflection - but not Why

The particle people, while not understanding why there was a 4% reflection rate, used this figure to explain the experimental results for two surfaces and more. Note that they didn’t explain why it happened as much as they were able to create a model for what happened. They looked excruciatingly carefully at the experimental results and then in a flash of insight discovered a logical model that would apply to these physical phenomena.

Note that the previous logical system, based upon the postulate that light was a wave, had them going around in circles. While internally consistent, it was incomplete. There were un-provable truths that existed outside their System. Note that the Particle people did not understand why as much as they figured out how. Mathematical modeling is a common reality for engineers - Not understanding why it works - but discovering that it works.

Normal explanations leave us just Short of Bliss

So our ultimate Physicists discovered a model, which worked on very basic levels, opening up unimaginable technological worlds for us to explore. Similarly in our research we have discovered models - which mimic human behavior - which explain certain ‘unexplainable’ puzzles - anomalies, aberrations - not any more.

While the traditional models are ‘good enough’ to make us ‘feel good’ at least some of the time, they are not ‘good enough’ to stand up to the test of time. These 'feel good' explanations create the illusion that we actually understand something completely. But then something happens that leaves us ailing, gasping for breath, incomplete before the Mystery - the Maw of Chaos. Returning to our junk food diet of pat explanations, leaves us always craving more, never satisfied. The ‘good enough’ that worked so well then is ‘not enough’ any longer.

We must be vigilant in cultivating the desire

    To deconstruct the notion that we understand anything completely.

The new model we are presenting

    Requires Mental Effort to accumulate, store and save the Info Energy.

Yet it is a savings account that draws internal interest

    That eventually frees us at least temporarily –

        From the 24/7 - locked inside our Brain.

            What pain!

The following insights, while a bit unconventional

    Are an attempt to wake us up to the Bliss of Being -

        Which is always here - free of charge.

    We can’t use it up - It doesn’t cost a cent.

Instead of constantly spending our life’s mental energy on the outside -

    Recycle it inside - generating the Psychic Heat -

        That is necessary to clean the Mirror -

    To accurately reflect the Reality of just Being.


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