20: The Cauldron & Restraint

Introduction: An Alchemical Perspective

As mentioned, this work takes an alchemical perspective. As such, we focus upon parallels between the universes of matter and human behavior to achieve personal transformation. The Firing Process transforms coarse metal ore into a useful bronze product. A culinary process transforms inedible wheat into nourishing bread. The solar process transformed Matter into Life. In each of these situations, a specific process with distinct components transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Further this transformation is in kind, not just degree. The alchemical process engenders Emergence, where the finished product has distinctly different properties than the original, whether Ore to Metal, Wheat to Bread, or Matter to Life.

In alchemical fashion, we hope to also go through a similar kind of personal transformation – where we transcend the circumstances of our life and realize our potentials. A close examination of the 3 alchemical processes – metallurgic, culinary, and solar – reveals 4 components: refinement, combination, heating, and a container. The focus of this article is upon the container, as it applies to the human craving for transcendence. Let’s begin with a closer examination, a refinement, of our solar metaphor.

Matter intertwined with Energy to create Life

It is easy to think of the process of Solar Energy and Matter yielding Life as a simple addition: Matter plus Solar Energy equals Life. Algebraically:

Matter + Solar Energy = Life

Or as a diagram:

However this simplification is misleading.

Let’s look at another representation for clarification.

This diagram, many times called the Yin/Yang symbol, shows a black and white fish swimming around each other - Showing the interconnection of Matter and Energy - Rather than the linear relation suggested by simple addition. Perhaps we should call it a multiplication or crossing, a mixture. Matter mixed with Energy yields Life.

Matter * Solar Energy = Life

Mixture of Elements in Container => Emergence

There is yet another factor. Energy added to Matter does nothing unless there is a Container to hold it. Life does not Emerge from Energy acting on unconfined Matter - Witness Gas.

Only if Matter & Energy are stored and mixed in a Container under the proper conditions will they turn into Life. Witness all the lifeless planets to understand that conditions must be pretty special to enable the Miracle. Energy contained in Matter sometimes manifests as Life. The merger of Energy and Matter has created an emergent feature, which we call Life.

The Black and White Eyes = Emergence

In the diagram above the black and white areas are frequently referred to as fish - with the black and white dots their eyes. The white fish has a black eye and vice versa. The black dot inside the white area and the white dot inside the black area symbolize the principle of Emergence. Note that the two elements must be combined in a container, represented by the circle, for these magical emergent features to occur. (Magical because they are unpredictable.) (Note that the unconfined fish have no eyes.)

Just as Oxygen and Hydrogen reveal little about Water, their combination, so do Energy and Matter reveal little about Life. While there is not an isomorphism between the elements and their union, we can and will talk about meta-principles. The whole is more than the sum of its parts - the miracle of Emergence. While Science frequently sees it and can even create it, Science hasn’t explained it - and won’t. It is a miracle - for now anyway.

Requires Cauldron to Contain Energy

While the Emergent feature of the combination of Matter and Energy is Life, this will not occur unless there is a Container to hold it. This is indicated by the Circle, which surrounds the fish.

To better understand the meaning of the function of the Circle, we will modify our first diagram. Where the first showed the addition of Energy and Matter, this shows that the Solar Energy cooks Matter. Cooked Matter becomes Life.

This is the same as first diagram except that it shows Matter cooking inside a Container. The Chinese Alchemists call this the Cauldron. It is the same as the Circle that encloses the circling Fish. Without the Cauldron Matter is not contained and there is no cooking. If there is no cooking, there is no Life. In this case, the Cauldron of our earthly Matter is the solar system with the inherent gravitational forces, which hold us all in place. In similar fashion, our skin or the cellular membrane could be said to contain Life. This containment enables Life to exist as a separate entity from the environment.

The Cauldron = the Restraint needed to achieve Self-actualization

The Cauldron is an essential component of the Firing Process. If the Cauldron cracks or is missing, the Soup spills on the ground and the energy of the Flame is dissipated. Accordingly, the Cauldron represents restraint in the process of self-actualization. Without restraint the vital energies are dissipated needlessly and pointlessly. Wasting the vital energies jeopardizes the Firing Process. If the Firing is unsuccessful, the magical features of Emergence are lost. With restraint the vital energies are contained, concentrated, and conserved. The Flame burns long and hot enough to successfully complete the Firing Process. Emergence occurs. We transcend our Fate and realize our Destiny. Instead of being victimized by life's circumstances, we achieve Self-actualization.

An external example: people spend all their money satisfying trivial desires and have no savings. Without the accumulation of a savings account, money does not reach the emergent state of a house or a sense of financial security.

An internal example: people spend all their vital energies pursuing pleasure (partying, drugs, drinking and such) and have no energy left to fulfill their potentials. When habituation inevitably saps their fun, they become frustrated and bitter by lack of possibility. Their existence becomes stale and meaningless. If one instead exercises some restraint over the pursuit of pleasure, there is an accumulation of internal energies. This internal savings account can then be spent upon the endless challenges of self-actualization. Surmounting challenges brings a sequence of joys that engenders a deep satisfaction (a sense of self-esteem) about a life well lived. Only by exercising the restraint symbolized by the Cauldron can we accumulate the internal energy necessary to experience just Being in all her glory.

Cauldron/Earth = Meditation slows Mental Momentum

The Cauldron is associated with Earth in the 5-phase theory. As such, remaining still is an important technique associated with the Cauldron. Remaining still has many applications. Meditation stills the Mind of its cultural momentum. This process slows our inadvertent motion that can lead to destructive consequences. This slowing process provides time for self-reflection. Self-reflection provides an opportunity to choose when to participate when to abstain. A Mind that is racing with thoughts has no time to make relevant choices.

Cauldron/Earth = Remaining Still = Non-Action quenches Emotional Wildfire

Remaining still (non-action) is also an important technique for quenching the Fire of raging emotions.

Environmental circumstances ignite an Emotional Wildfire in the Polluted Individual, which includes most, if not all of us, at one time or another. The Emotional Wildfire evokes False Behavior, which fuels the Emotional Wildfire. This is a destructive feedback loop that can last for millennia when tended accordingly.

False Behavior includes thoughts, words and deeds that lead us off the Path. Some of these misdirected actions fuels the Emotional Wildfire that has such destructive consequences - leading us further off course. Actualizing potentials becomes a distant memory in the midst of the ensuing melodrama.

Not responding emotionally can, at the very least, act as a form of damage control. By pursuing non-action in the midst of raging emotions, the individual doesn't say or do anything that encourages the destructive cycle in those around him. Remaining still prevents the False Behavior that threatens the Journey by leading off Path. By pursuing non-action mentally, the Person doesn't add verbal fuel to the Fire. Although remaining still might not put out the Fire, it prevents the spread and doesn't add any more fuel. The emotional Wild Fire is able to run its course and eventually goes out on its own. The damage is minimized and the Firing Process/Journey continues.



The Cauldron/Earth Techniques essential for Successful Firing Process

Reiterating to reinforce memory: the Cauldron is a metaphor for the notions of restraint and of remaining still. Restraint allows one to collect and direct vital energies more efficiently. Remaining still via meditation or cultivating quietude slows Life's inadvertent momentum, thereby giving us more control over our Quest for Self-actualization. Remaining still by cultivating non-action physically, verbally and mentally can be employed as a form of damage control. Without any other fuel the emotional Wild Fire doesn't spread and is extinguished. The Cauldron embodies each of these techniques: 1) restraint to concentrate vital energies, 2) meditation to slow personal momentum and 3) cultivating non-action as a method to minimize collateral damage from emotional upset. The techniques associated with the Cauldron are an essential part of the repertoire of those seeking to fulfill their potentials – successfully complete the Firing Process.


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