So what have we uncovered so far?
Let us summarize before we get too far a field.
We began in the Introduction by posing certain questions that this book would be addressing. For instance on the macro scale - the Collective: Why is the Public continually tricked into voting against their best interests? And on a related topic - on a micro scale - the Individual: Why do we continually victimize ourselves thru Fear? How close have we come to answering these questions?
In the first Chapter we began by looking at some typical political Propaganda. We suggested that each statement of information or misinformation is based upon a similar logical structure. Namely, implicit beliefs/underlying assumptions are used to build a logical architecture from which conclusions are drawn. It was pointed out that attacking the conclusions is ineffective because they have grown from the underlying assumptions. These or similar conclusions will continue to sprout as long as the underlying assumptions are left unexamined. In terms of the cultivation metaphor, it is like chopping off the weeds instead of pulling them up from the roots.
We then explored a statement that the Author claimed was Propaganda. We examined the true component of this relatively false statement. At this point we introduced a deep concept: the relativity of verbal truth. This had to do with the fact that falsehood contains some truth as well as that truth contains falsehood. We saw that even one false link was enough to spoil the logical architecture. As an example of this we explored the statement that: The USA protects countries from terrorism. In deconstructing the individual words, we discovered multiple false components, while only we found one true component: Big Business of USA protects Big Business of other countries from terrorism.
Because of the sensitivity or relative importance of each link in the logical structure we began looking at a common fallacy - called the Generalization Fallacy. It had to do with the human tendency to clump for simplification. While clumping is useful way to deal with Reality, it is used by Propagandists to oversimplify - Which means grouping dissimilar objects and concepts under some common words or phrases & then expect that they all behave similarly. We saw that the word ‘democracy’ loosely defined led to the conclusion that Communist China and Russia are both democracies - further if ‘democracy’ is defined too tightly then the USA is not a democracy.
In Chapter 2, we discovered that because of the inherent ambiguity of communication that every verbal statement has a true and false component. We called this the True False Postulate. Further we discovered that the meaning of the Transmission = Message is not determined solely by the content of the worlds but by a mixture - a combination - a product - of content and context. Further the truth or falsehood of the Message is determined by the intention of the Speaker rather than the content of the words. The thrust with these pages is to elevate the context of the situation and intention of the Speaker to the same importance as the content of the words.
To illustrate the differences we examined the intentionality of a Master, a Propagandist, and a Normal Person. We mentioned that the Master intends to relieve the suffering of his Listener by pointing beyond the Verbal reality, which is the root of mental suffering. The Normal Person intends to reinforce the common illusory verbal reality in which he resides, while the Propagandist intends to confuse and mislead. Therefore a successful transmission by the Master would be if the Listener were able to transcend their petty verbal world to directly experience reality. A successful transmission for the Normal Person would be to refine the common verbal illusion that was shared collectively with the Listener. A successful transmission for the Propagandist would be if he successfully misled the Listener to behave against their best interests because of confusion. The Master assists the Listener to transcend themselves. The Normal Person encourages the delusional collective world of the Self, while the Propagandist encourages the growth of this Personal World. The Master attempts to shrink the verbal world; the Normal Person maintains it, while the Propagandist attempts to enlarge it. Therefore a successful transmission by the Master is unsuccessful for the Propagandist and vice versa.
In Chapter 2A we discover that a major technique the Propagandists use to mislead is that of encouraging the transmission of the false component through ambiguity and implication. The reason that this technique works so well is that many people have the underlying assumption that the content of words is either true or false. Under this implicit belief there are only Honest people and Liars. The content of the Liar’s message is false while the content of the Honest person’s message is true. The Propagandist with his half truths and false implications doesn’t exist.
To deconstruct this implicit belief, we attempted to illustrate with simple examples that the context of the words determines the content - their meaning. And the relation between the Speaker and Listener determines the context. Consequently, there is no such thing as verbal content without context.
A byproduct of the Either/Or Word theory is Either/Or Understanding. We assume that we understand or don’t. To complicate matters we assume that if we speak the same language that we understand each other completely. This attitude negates any attempt at clarification, which is necessary if we are to determine the true and false component of the message. The Either/Or Word theory followed by Either/Or Understanding leads to lazy thinking because it neutralizes the necessity of investigation. This subterranean foundation must be continually deconstructed if we are to make any progress.
The logical architecture that builds conclusions based upon underlying assumptions is not based upon simple logical chains but is instead based upon a logical web. The difference between a web and chain is that a chain is as strong as its weakest link, while a web supports itself even though a link might break. While a web consists of mutually supporting logical chains, a logical chain does not consist of logical webs. For this reason the Web is much stronger than the Chain. Normally the longer we live the more dense our logical Web is. Frequently the only way that we will change our Web is if we experience deep Pain. This is because we assume that our Web is lacking if it allows Pain in. This is especially true if we hear of the logical webs of others that neutralize Pain.
As long as we are ‘happy’ then we assume our Web is doing a good job. When we are ‘unhappy’ then our Web is not doing a good job and needs to be ‘added onto’, repaired, refined or remodeled. When we are young our Web is fairly unsophisticated and continually needs to be ‘added onto’ in order to deal with new contingencies. Perhaps a repair would have to do with fixing a part of the Web that was faulty, clearing up misconceptions. As we get older, our Web takes care of most situations fairly well, so it is only necessary to make a few adjustments and refinements in order to persist. However occasionally due to the machinations of Heaven = Sky = Universe we experience such a deep Pain that we must do a remodel of the Web in order to avoid the intensity of such a Pain in the future.
For those of you who are still content with materialism, with the status quo, with things the way they are, this Book is not for you. However for those of you who are vaguely dissatisfied or who are on a constant emotional roller coaster this Book is for you. It intends to remodel your Web.
Because of the nature of Webs they are fairly stable and are hard to break. Unless they experience some deep stress they are not going to change. Because of the inherent stability of the Web it resists change. However because of the inherent Pain of Life due to its transitory nature the Web is constantly remodeled to accommodate the changing contingencies.
This Book attempts to be there when the Time inevitably comes - Mid-life crisis - Retirement - Old Age - Death in the Family - financial insecurity due to concerns about the economy, health and retirement - emotional anxiety due to political, national, global, cultural and environmental fears. Some event knocks you off balance. Your Web doesn’t catch you - Circumstances beyond your control undermine your financial security - which throws your emotions into a tailspin - which upsets your organs - which makes you physically ill. Your hair falls out; your teeth begin to rot; you stop laughing and become very serious - about nearly everything. Nothing is funny anymore - and you pick up this book and begin to read - and you come to understand that its worth the effort to deconstruct your Web - your verbal reality - in order to remodel it - so that next time around that you are able to maintain your Balance - your Health - your Vitality - your Life Force. Then you are not afraid of Old Age - Death and Dying - Bad Health - Financial Privation - Shortages - political and economic instability. Instead your Blood brings Oxygen to all parts of your Body to make you truly alive.
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