27. The Firing Process or
Deconstructing the Verbal Reality

Prologue: The Firing Process

The Firing Process is a metaphor for Process of Spiritual Transformation.

Two Components of Firing Process: Flame & Cauldron = Mind & Body

Purification & Transformation vs. Pollution & Stagnation

Importance of the Purification of Polluted Mind

The Disturbing Emotions of the Polluted Mind splits Attention

Split Attention threatens Firing Process: Full Attention enables Complete Experience

Polluted Mind's disturbing emotions result in Polluted Body

Deconstruction of Verbal Reality purifies the Polluted Mind

Chapter 19. Alchemy: Features & Metaphors

External & Internal Alchemy explore Tao of Matter & Spirit

Alchemists explore the Parallels between the Taos of Matter & Spirit

The Miracle of Emergence

Process of Emergence requires Refinement & Mixture, whether Matter or Spirit

Metallurgical Metaphor for Transformation: Ore to Finished Bronze

Culinary Metaphor for Transformation: Wheat to Bread

Solar Metaphor for Alchemical Transformation: Matter to Life

Common features of Alchemical Transformation

Chapter 20: The Cauldron & Restraint

Introduction: An Alchemical Perspective

Matter intertwined with Energy to create Life

Mixture of Elements in Container => Emergence

The Black and White Eyes = Emergence

Requires Cauldron to Contain Energy

The Cauldron = the Restraint needed to achieve Self-actualization

Cauldron/Earth = Meditation slows Mental Momentum

Cauldron/Earth = Remaining Still = Non-Action quenches Emotional Wildfire

The Cauldron/Earth Techniques essential for Successful Firing Process

Chapter 21: The Flame & the Importance of Practice

The Flame represents Energy in the Firing Process

Cooked with regular pulses on a rotisserie

Master's intent to break the bonds that attach the Pupil to Illusion

Master provides Tools & Direction; Student performs the Practice.

Regular Practice generates sufficient 'heat' for Transformative Experience

Understanding without Practice doesn't generate Transformative Heat

The Rotisserie Process consists of regular Firings.

10,000 Practice Hours is the standard to achieve Mastery

Chapter 22: The Transformative Energy of Practice

What is the Root of the Mysterious Energy that transforms Human?

The Cell Equation Process transforms Mental Energy into Physical Energy

Attention/Cell Equation synergy transforms 1D Instants into 2D Moments into 3D Experience

Transformation/Mastery requires a Sequence of Experiences

The Hierarchy of Experience

Interruptions can kill an Experience

Why must Practice be Regular? or the Harm of Irregular Practice.

The Mental Energy of Attention transforms Humans via Practice

Mental Energy due to method of Digesting Information required of Living Systems

Chapter 23: The Firing Process

Cooked with regular pulses on a rotisserie

Practice generates Heat to achieve Threshold of Generation

Extraction of Metal from Ore

Understand the Truth: Don’t Pick Apart Falsehood

Firing Process based in Chinese Alchemy of the Metal Age

Alchemical Taoist Terminology

Isomorphic Systems:

Sun/Matter = Metal Casting = Human Transformation

The entire mechanism: the Firing Process

Emergence a key feature of a successful firing

Parameters for success

Cauldron must be strong and able to contain energy

Energy leakage destroys the cast

Self Reflection, an emergent feature of complex Life

Choice emerges from Self Reflection

Emergence transcends logic

Choice, an essential ingredient of Human Casting

2 parts: Refinement of Metal Ore and creating Alloys

Summary: Firing Process, Cauldron, and potential for Success

Features by definition

Alchemist apply Firing Process to humans

Parameters of Transformation

Transformation & Perfection Model

- different facets of the same gem -

Buddhist: If Perfect then no need for Transformation

Chapter 24: Differentiation: Being from Person

The Initial Steps in the Differentiation Process

Most of Us an Ore: Mixture of Attachment & Detachment

The Patriot - sacrifice Person for good of Country

The State of Alienation

Ideal State: Differentiated and Integrated

The Primary Differentiation between Person & Being

Group discourages Differentiation

Person equals Mind, Body, & Emotions

Person is not equal to Being or Inner Self

Chinese energies and the Person

Connection between Chinese energies and Hindu gunas

Being or Inner Self, not these attributes of Person

Being separate from the swirl of Person

Being connected to Greater Reality

Beginning Definitions: Person, Being, & Self

Chapter 25: Consequences of Abuse

Different Types of Self Ore

Punishment yields Alienation

Person builds an Emotional Callus

False Antipathy between Person and Being

Alienation bad for Individual - good for Collective

Alienated adopts value system of Abuser to avoid Abuse

Soul Retrieval Essential to Integration

Physical Cognitive Reaction to Fear

The Amygdala is the brain’s rapid response system

Amygdala’s  Method

Incredible Memory of the Amygdala

Get Back on the Horse or Deprogramming the Amygdala

The Difference between Differentiation and Fragmentation

No unified action in the midst of Fragmentation

Differentiation based in Intentionality

They don’t exist - It’s only Us

Casting follows Purification

Which Game are we Playing to Win?

Chapter 26: Gödel’s Theorem

Gödel’s Theorem: Statement

Implication: Logic can’t Describe Reality Completely

Applying Gödel’s Theorem to itself: A Complete System contains Paradox.

Gödel Set Diagrams

The Inherent Paradox in a Complete System

Examples: The Complete Systems of Science & Math

More Examples: Some Complete Systems of Life

Self Reflection: to step out of Logical Boxes and embrace holistic Reality

Chapter 27: Complete System based in Intuition

Paradoxically the Mother System intuitively embraces all Systems

Mother System based in Intuition

The Mixture of Instinct and Logic Equals Emergent Intuition

Paradoxical Mixture of Black and White

Intuitive Decisions Probabilistic, not Deductive

Addicted to Logic - Master rather than Servant

Summary: Intuition = Complete System

Chapter 28: Metalogic

Metalogic: a Complete System

We all use Metalogic for decision making.

Tarski’s Theorem proves no such thing as Logic based Truth

Features of Metalogic: Logic to continually refine assumptions

Another Feature of metalogic: Logic can only give advice.

Logic can always find flaws in Metalogic.


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