Independent of Life or Matter - Physics or Chemistry - Organic or Inorganic - there are Meta-laws in effect which inherently separate the needs of the individual Cell from that of an individual Organ. However it is for the collective benefit of the Cells to gather in a larger Organism. While good for the collective, which is allowed to survive, it might not be for the good of the individual.
Just as in the chess analogy there exist certain cells that are given priority over other cells. The queen ants and bees are given priority over the common ants and bees.
The truth behind this type of organization is that the leader of a hive, colony, kingdom or republic tends to hold these organizations together. Without the leader to rally around, the individual soldiers or bees are lost. This is also the truth behind the game of chess. Stick behind the leader and there exists a better chance of survival, than if there is no central leader. Centralization is obviously a more effective strategy for survival than decentralized decision-making. Witness that nearly every form of government and business in the world has a leader. The cells give up authority to a representative so that there is a chain of command.
However, while banding together is good for the collective it might not be so good for the individual, as we’ve over-mentioned. The point we’ve probably over-stressed is that the human individual would be better off not choosing to be the expendable pawn in someone else’s game.
While there exists a weak isomorphism between ant colonies, bee hives, kingdoms, countries and wolf packs, one thing which appears to be different is that humans have a choice as to which collection of humans to join. While ants, bees, and wolves have no choice but to be included in a colony, hive or pack, we humans have a choice as to which corporation/organization of bodies, we choose to belong to.
We can even choose the non-corporation of solitude as a hermit if we wish. While most humans thrive collectively, some humans are able to survive individually as well. Throughout history, especially American, there has frequently been a self-sufficient single-family unit of father, mother and child. This is the smallest corporation of bodies. This was the pioneer family. However most frequently humans choose to group together in tribes of humans with a leader.
In earlier times, humans had no choice as to which tribe to join. One was automatically in the tribe one was born into. Conversely one was not in the tribe that one was not born into. However as the tribes grew into city, states, kingdoms, countries and empires, the tribal links weakened. This meant that choices of exclusion and inclusion became greater. While legal citizenship always resides with the country one was born into, there are many smaller groupings of humans that are frequently more significant for the individual. In the Western democracies, most people choose a job, choose a partner, choose where they will live, and choose which groups they want to associate with.
The point is only that if an individual has multiple choices it behooves him or her to choose the tribe in which one is not the dispensable pawn. For instance, if one group expects you to be a slave, working long hours as a soldier - risking your life for your leader - with many risks and few benefits - and another group wants to nurture and protect you - it is better to choose the second group. Of course the choices are usually more complex than this. To achieve freedom from cultural conditioning, which is the only true freedom, it is important to regularly exercise one’s ability to choose.
Many people, despite the evidence, join the group that wants them to be a pawn.
There are a few connected reasons for this seemingly unusual choice.
1. These cells or individuals think they have no choice.
2. The default choice is life as a pawn.
3. Being a pawn in one group might be better than king of another.
Why do People think that they have no choice?
Corporations of people - whether it is the Catholic church, the US Government, or Western Civilization - attempts to survive and thrive. Because of this yearning for self-preservation, information or propaganda is disseminated, which attempts to undermine the human’s ability to choose.
This is not devious or underhanded - it is a natural manifestation of an organ attempting to preserve itself. Further the group or organization puts out the information that if the individual joins the group they will be rewarded and if they don’t they will be punished. The ultimate expression of this comes from many Western religions. Join our Group and you will go to Heaven after death and experience eternal bliss. Don’t join and you will go to Hell and suffer eternal damnation.
Again this is not malicious as much as it is the mechanism of the Group. i.e. corporation of humans, to preserve itself.
A summary of this line of reasoning reveals its contradictory nature.
This paradoxical message is in the Nature of the Propaganda of the Group. Let us rephrase the Message to illustrate the point.
The Paradoxical nature of propaganda is inherent because they are supporting lies.
Another one is of these paradoxes follows. This one is based around individual power, or the lack thereof. The Group would like the Individual to believe that his only real power comes through the Group.
The Group Propaganda joins the Choice and Power Propaganda into a neat little package, which implies that the only Choice is to belong and the only Power comes thru the Group.
The group, organism, or corporation of people attempts to undermine the individual power and will so that the ability to not join the Group is muted. The Group wants to exclude freedom as a possibility. The propaganda exhorts the individual to join the group for his own good, because there is strength in numbers. Then he is asked to sacrifice his good for the group. Thus the individual is willingly led to the slaughter by the group because he is taught to sublimate his desires and needs for the good of the group.
This is another piece of misinformation that is inherently spread by groups to preserve themselves.
The Group Propaganda tells the Individual many contradictory things that it hopes he will swallow for the good of the Group.
You have no Choice, but Choose us. You have no Power, but give us your Power. Join the Group for your Good, but sacrifice your Good for the Group.
Why do individuals accept theses paradoxical statements as true - when they are obviously mutually exclusive propositions? How can they hold onto these logical contradictions simultaneously?
For now, we will just claim that Individuals naturally give themselves up - involuntarily - to the Group Trance - Mob Mentality. This includes the suspension of the faculty of reason. We will explain why in a later chapter.
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