Ants create colonies, instinctually. This is because of the way they were built. It is not because of genetic programming, which is too limited. The Genetics are connected in the sense that they led to a way of behaving which led to this self-organization with certain distinct laws. However the complex organization of the Colony does not exist in the genetics of each ant, any more than the diamond exists in the carbon molecule. In both cases the method of self-organization exists in the ant and the carbon molecule.
Similarly humans self-organize in ways that is not contained directly in their genes, as much as it is contained in the method in which they manifest. While this move towards complexity of social organization seems to defy description or definition, instead it simplifies, because it identifies what we are looking for, which is context rather than content, which doesn’t even exist.
As we shall see one of the first principles of self-organization is Group preservation. To be clear, the false component is that Individual Cells attempt to preserve themselves over the Organ. The true component is that the Organ or Group has precedence over the Cell or Individual. We’ll discuss the reasoning behind this in a later chapter. For now we will just make the claim. However the evidence that we will give is self-supporting.
While we make the general claim, we will now turn it specific. Species preservation takes precedence over the Individual. For instance, while many say self-preservation is the most important because the body continually fights for survival despite the circumstances, the evidence indicates that species preservation far surpasses it in importance. The following example clearly supports this assertion.
The father, fighting to protect his family from attack, will willingly give his life to protect his wife and children, despite his body’s innate urge to survive. In every culture everywhere the males of the tribe willing give their lives to defend the women and children from attack. This has nothing to do with Self-preservation and everything to do with Species-preservation.
This is one of the basic motivations behind the Human’s method of organizing. Many of the larger social organizations mimic the motivations behind a father sacrificing his life to protect his family from attack. Unfortunately these natural processes with natural motivations becomes distorted and corrupted by the translation from small to large. Indeed one of the thrusts of this book is to expose the corruption of the original pure motivations so that they don’t affect us subconsciously to the detriment of the species.
In general Fathers are hard wired to risk their lives to protect their Family just as the Mother is hardwired to risk her life for her Children. This is not learned behavior as much as it is innate. Children don’t regularly see parents risking their lives for the family, but will instinctively risk their lives for their own children when the circumstance presents itself. As we shall see this has to do with natural selection for species survival, not we will repeat, individual survival.
This basic process is reflected on larger levels of social organization. For instance the Father risking his life for his Family is reflected in the Warrior risking his Life for the Tribe or the Soldiers of an Army risking their Lives to Protect their Country.
At the next level of extension, the Chief or King assumes the Father’s role, as the Protector of the Tribe. At the level of Tribal warfare, the leader or Chief is usually the best Fighter who fearlessly leads the men of his tribe into battle to defend the tribe, clan, city, community, from external aggression whether it be from wandering bandits or soldiers, invading barbarians or warring kingdoms or countries. The King leading his troops into battle, fighting to defend his country from attack is derived from the Tribal organization, which, as mentioned, is derived from the basic Family organization. The Men will gladly sacrifice their own lives for the good of the Tribe just as the Father willingly sacrifices himself for his Family. Similarly the King will sacrifice himself for his country.
We frequently see this archetypal pattern in human literature. In Lord of the Rings King Theoden donned battle gear and went to fight the Orcs who were attacking the women and children of his kingdom even though he was old. As an indication of the internal power of the imagery of a Leader fighting to save his homeland from attack, the entire audience - no human ambiguity here - was sad when Theoden died this noble death - sacrificing himself for his people - quite a few tears were shed. For anyone to even suggest that Theoden was a fool for sacrificing himself in a hopeless battle to defend his kingdom would bring the wrath of society down upon his or her head.
And yet the game of chess reflects an entirely different cultural viewpoint. If Theoden had behaved by the morals of chess he would have retreated to his highest castle tower, with some trusted warriors, as did his rival, the evil Saruman, or perhaps fled to a neighboring kingdom and allowed the pawns and knights to sacrifice themselves for him.
Theoden Morals
King leads fighting and might die first.
Chess morals
Country sacrifices themselves
for the King
While the media tries to persuade us that our leadership has the morals of King Theoden instead they have the morals of the King in Chess. The implications of the two versions are diametrically opposed.
Media Implication
The President and his Men
would risk Themselves
to defend the Country.
In Reality
The citizens of the Country
are regularly asked to sacrifice themselves
for the President and his Men.
What is the species truth behind the 2 moralities?
The species truth behind the men sacrificing themselves to protect women and children is that the species continues if the women and children survive and goes extinct if only the men survive.
The archetype of the mother ferociously protecting her cubs, children, chicks is cross species. This includes species as diverse as chickens, bears, and humans. Even ants and bees band together to protect the unborn larva.
This instinct to preserves the species at all costs is so deep in our behavioral code that it has been codified as moral behavior. A father who sacrifices himself to save his child is good and honorable, while a father who sacrifices his child to save himself is bad and despicable.
Our natural instinct for species survival over personal survival motivates the parents to sacrifice themselves for their children. This extends to the men sacrificing themselves for the women and children of the tribe, which extends to the Leader sacrificing himself for good of the tribe, city-state, kingdom, or country.
This is a good example of the Individual sacrificing his Self for the good of the species. The depth of this urge for species preservation is indicated by the almost universal antipathy felt toward the father who sacrifices his child’s life that he might survive.
This very deep instinctual emotion to protect the young at all costs, which extends across species, is the way we are. We are hard wired for it. Natural selection chose those with this tendency for survival. Those who didn’t have the tendency or urge may have survived, but their women and children might not have. Hence their gene pool was not passed on. The counter tendency for self-survival at the expense of the Group became the exception rather than the rule.
So every human is wrapped in this cloak of species preservation.
The Individual Human exists
for the good of the Species
Not, the Species exists
for the good of the Individual.
Species Logic
The Species survives
at the expense of the Individual
Individual Logic
Individual logic is reversed.
Personal survival is everything.
The Species doesn’t matter.
The instinctive importance of the Collective relative to the Individual is part of the make up of every species, including humans. That is why each species has survived. While this seems to be a self-evident truth, an axiom, it is not inherent to the system as much as it is an emergent property of systems of organisms as they seek to perpetuate themselves. As we shall see, this tendency to preserve continuity is derived from our innate relation to the inanimate world, from whence we came.
Digging a little deeper. Existence tends to hold onto itself even to the extent that static friction is greater than dynamic friction. Even inanimate objects hold onto their spot, resisting change. Further once they are moving, objects hold onto their momentum. The only way momentum is changed is through some kind of external force, which has its own momentum it is trying to maintain. Even when two forces collide, they hold on so desperately to themselves that they only change just enough to accommodate the other force - no more - no less - exactly. The weaker force only gives up what it has to. The stronger force takes exactly what it can.
Thus inherent to the Physics of matter itself is the urge for self-preservation. This is at the very heart of the conservation of momentum, both angular and linear. Once something is propelled into existence by some external force, whether animate or inanimate, it tries to perpetuate itself as long as it can, resisting any changes as best it can.
At the very root of Newton’s Universe of space and time is the concept of self-preservation and conservation. Holding on to our self and our momentum is innate to existence itself. Hence anything that emerges from this ground, i.e. everything that is spawned by this Universe of space and time, partakes in this basic craving to maintain momentum.
Just as ants, because of their hard wiring build colonies, so does existence, including organic life, participate in the need for self-preservation. As inanimate matter organized itself into larger entities - from gas to galaxies with stars and even planets - each of these enormities sought to preserve themselves and their momentum, in the most economic way possible. This is one of roots of physical science - an anchor upon which scientists analyze and organize the world.
Similarly as matter literally organ-ized itself first into cells, then microorganisms, then organisms, organisms of humans, to collections of humans called corporations - each of these entities inherently participate in the same energy of self-preservation or conservation of self. Thus each organization of matter whether on the micro or macro scale, whether on the organic or inorganic level, seeks to preserve itself, which includes the static and dynamic component. The large and small, embodied and disembodied, attempt to maintain themselves equally. Further each of these organizations attempts to maintain themselves independent of the individuals, whether atoms, cells, or humans, that makes them up. We shall examine this idea in more depth a little later on.
Of course sometimes conflicting internal forces might cause self-destructive explosions, such as the super nova, which destroy the larger entity itself. However all the forces still continue and strive to preserve themselves, independent of the larger entity. The principles of conservation and preservation still hold. The point is that the individual has the potential to rebel from the larger Group and go his own way, which could lead to the destruction of the Group. Frequently, however, the larger Group breaks into smaller Groups of individuals, rather than single individuals.
The point of this section is that Humans tend to self-organize into Groups, which take precedence over themselves, just as the Colony takes precedence over the Ants that make it up, just as the Pack takes precedence over the Wolves that make it up. Just as Ants and Wolves sacrifice themselves willingly for the Group, so do Humans. This natural tendency is derived from the physical principles of the conservation of momentum.
While these natural urges are fundamental to existence, humans have the potential to rebel, to create new Groups. (We’ll get into the reasons a bit further on.) To achieve transformation the Individual must exercise the ability to form or choose new Groups rather than giving his Self up to this ‘natural’ tendency to ‘sacrifice for larger Group’. To attain liberation from these ‘natural tendencies’ it is mandatory to rigorously examine alternatives rather than mindlessly follow the sheep to slaughter.
Finally one way that the Propagandists convince us to throw our lives away is by associating the Larger Group with Family preservation, which is connected with the survival of the Species. Remember, however, that Groups can perish without threatening the Species. Hence while it is important to fight for the survival of your Family, it is not important or necessary to fight for the survival of the larger Group or Country if it threatens your Family.
The Propagandist uses the Generalization fallacy to group the Family and the Country. While in certain circumstances there is a link, in many others the two are moving at cross-purposes. Hence avoid having a lazy mind and examine each circumstance carefully - remembering all the time that Fighting for the family is true, natural and good. Similarly fighting for extensions of the family is also good, i.e. fighting for the Tribe. However watch out for false extensions that lead to your doom, such as sacrificing your life for the obscene profits of the leaders of your country. Attempt to pursue the true extensions that lead to your personal growth and transformation. More later.
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