Before going on let us examine the Filter of the Receiver in a little more depth.
This is the prototype. The Source transmits a Message, which is Filtered by the Receiver. Let’s deconstruct the Filter into its component parts.
The first two Filters, Behavior and Appearance, have nothing to do with the Message and everything to do with the Source.
The second two filters, Mind-set and Logic, have nothing to do with the Source and everything to do with the Message. Note that Mind-set is the same as Belief Structure.
To understand the mechanism behind these filters, let’s examine the Behavior Filter. The Filter of the Receiver evaluates the Behavior of the Source. Some Behavior is passed while others are blocked.
To see what this means let’s turn the filter towards the Reader.
1 = Information that gets through is defined as true, in this context.
0 = Information that doesn’t get thru is defined as false, in this context.
This is the same for the Appearance Filter.
Turning this filter towards the Reader we see the same circle within a square with similar criteria.
Acceptable Behavior and Appearance is Us, i.e. the Message passes this hurdle or filter - is evaluated as True. Unacceptable or foreign Behavior and Appearance is Them, i.e. the Message does not pass this filter - is evaluated as False.
If the Behavior and Appearance of the Source is like Us then the information passes to the next filter, the Content. If not, then the Message is rejected out of hand.
If((Behavior And Appearance) ≈ Us), Then (Message = True)
If Not((Behavior And Appearance) ≈ Us), Then (Message = False)
Restating the second proposition:
If ((Behavior And Appearance) ≈ Them), Then (Message = False)
Let’s assume that the behavior and appearance of the Source were acceptable and that the Message was passed on. Now the Message hits the Content Filter, which has two components, i.e. Mind-set and Logic.
The conditions for the Mind-set Filter, which is only applied to the Content of the Message, are similar to the Source Filters, i.e. Appearance and Behavior.
If the Content of the Message is similar to the Mind-set of the Receiver then it will be passed. If the Content is not similar enough, then this filter will block it. If the Message is like Us, i.e. our way of thinking, then its Logic will be evaluated. If the Message is like Them, their way of thinking, then the Message will be rejected.
These Filters could be arranged in different ways. We will suggest two different methods, when in reality it is probably a mixture of the two. The filters could be arranged like this.
If the Filters were arranged like this, then the four filters of the Source and Content of the Message would be evaluated simultaneously. We are going to suggest that while this is the ideal, that a more frequent organization would be like this.
In this particular organization the Source would be evaluated before the Content of the message, i.e. sequentially rather than simultaneously - like a water filtration system.
Consecutive evaluation is another example of the Lazy thinking the Propagandists love. There is no need to use the deductive features of the Brain to analyze the message if the Source is rejected due to foreign Appearance or Behavior or a foreign way of thinking, i.e. Mind-set.
Indeed for the Lazy thinker, the first evaluation is whether the Source is one of Us or one of Them.
Remember foreign behavior, appearance, or ideas are enough to identify the Source as Them, in which case the Message is rejected despite its Logic.
Let’s turn this Diagram back around to its initial position. The black in the middle of this filter is the only area where the entire Message is passed - evaluated as true.
This diagram indicates how difficult it is to pass on controversial information and have it received as true, if it is packaged at all suspiciously.
The sequential filtration system of the preceding diagrams is the type of filter used by closed minds. This is employed because of fear of the unknown. The Receiver, in this instance, is like the toddler, who only trusts his parents and is afraid of all strangers. The first filter at this age is the Source. The Receiver first evaluates the Behavior and Appearance of the Source, before the content of the Message.
It is as if the shell of the nut must be cracked off before it can be eaten. This is why the Propagandists come dressed in three-piece suits or white lab suits. This establishes them as the authority figures of Our Tribe. This means that they are a reliable Source.
This model - like all models - is only an approximation. It works well for the middle range - as most models do. The extreme boundaries are fractalized - as most boundaries are. Thus -> Don’t even try to find extreme counter examples - for they surely exist - by the laws of fractalization.
To evaluate the Truth of a Message, effort must be exerted. The layers must be peeled away, like on onion.
The squares are false = 0, while the circles are true = 1. False is blocked by filters while true is passed. Layers of falsehood must be stripped away to reveal the Truth. This is just a symbolization of previous diagrams. It is like a 4 stage sequential water purification system. Only after the last stage is the message ready to be assimilated and then passed on. Notice again that Logic is the last filter. Thus the Message will be rejected out of hand, i.e. Message = 0, if the Source is unacceptable, Source = 0, or if the message doesn’t fit the mindset of the Receiver.
If (Source = 0) Then (Message = 0)
If ((Source = 1) And (Content = 1) Then (Message = 1)
Therefore while the ‘rational ‘ person feels that Logic is of paramount importance in a Message, in actuality it tends to be one of the last features evaluated. For instance, if a foreign person with foreign behavior and a foreign mind set presents a well reasoned/ thought out message it is most likely to be rejected, Message = 0, before the logic is ever evaluated. Thus the Message is not evaluated independent of the Source.
Further the determination of criterion of the filters, i.e. which are the false squares and true circles, - what is passed and what is not - is determined purely by the Receiver. It has nothing to do with the Source. There exists nothing that the Source can do to the filters of the Receiver, except acknowledge them.
However once he has acknowledged them, he can manipulate them. Indeed the Masters of Propaganda play the filters of the public like a symphony conductor, while the Masters of Logic tend to ignore the filters and are rejected before they begin. Only by addressing the filters is it possible to get the true content of the message to pass to the Receiver, Message = 1.
This occurs when the Source respects the Receiver enough to learn the criterion of his filters. If he wants his message heard, the Source must then couch it in a fashion that will allow it to pass all the filters. Some have said that true persuasion occurs only when the Source achieves consubstantiation with the Receiver. The Source becomes one with the Receiver to facilitate transformation, i.e. in order for his message to be passed. The Alchemists say: “Merge with the Ordinary to Harmonize Illumination.” The Predator studies the Prey intently in order to catch and eat it.
The Propagandist attempts to consume his Prey by knocking him off balance, while the Master strives to achieve transformation through balance. The Masters of Deception feel they can take advantage of the imbalance for their own personal gain. But the external imbalance creates an internal imbalance -> No satisfaction. The Spiritual Master knows that balancing the Universe balances our Self - for we are the Universe.
Because of the similarity of the techniques of the Predators and the Masters of Transformation, it is of paramount importance to examine underlying assumptions in order to avoid becoming the Prey, consumed by the Establishment - a Victim of the Power Elite - a Slave of the Rich. Only thru critical self-examination can one avoid the pitfalls and traps, which ultimately create Universal Imbalance and Dissonance. Look inward, cultivating the inner garden in order to truly harmonize the external Environment.
Now that we’ve established the all importance of passing the filters of the Receiver- let us examine some of the other filters. Eventually we will learn how and why the filters and their criteria are formed.
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