Emotional upset disturbs the Mind and emotional residue impacts the ability of Body to transmit energy. These disturbing emotional reactions are due to a polluted Mind. What does this pollution consist of? Cultural conditioning. From birth we are subject to influences from family, friends, society, and even instincts that shape both our behavior and the way we perceive the world. Some of these influences are constructive, while others are destructive. In short, the good is polluted with the bad.
Mind must accurately reflect environmental conditions to enable Life to fulfill her potentials. If Life has accurate information, she can make more appropriate responses that assist her in the quest for self-actualization.
A Pure Mind reflects Reality perfectly. This accurate assessment of environmental conditions enables Life to make better choices. A Polluted Mind distorts Reality. This inaccurate assessment confuses Life – leading to poor choices. The better choices lead us to the Path of Self-actualization and a higher quality of existence. The poor choices lead us away from the Path to emotional upset and a lower quality of existence. To maximize our potentials, it is mandatory to purify our Mind.
Due to the importance of accurately reflecting environmental input, let us, in alchemical fashion, employ the Mirror as a metaphor for Mind.
As mentioned, cultural conditioning obscures the clarity (pollutes) of the Mirror of the Mind. Mind's ability to accurately reflect the dynamic nature of existence is tainted by these mental constructs – these cultural implants. The Polluted Mind leads to a Corrupted Transmission and poor Decisions.
In alchemical fashion, let us employ the Red Dust as a metaphor for the culture conditioning that continually falls to obscure the Mirror of our Mind. This distortion of Reality due to the Red Dust leads to all the disadvantages of the Polluted Mind.
The Red Dust falls daily from friends, family, workmates and media. Because of the importance of mental clarity it is important to regularly clean this Red Dust off our Mirror.
How do we recognize Red Dust? There are many kinds of Red Dust. Some comes from our family, friends, and teachers. Although inadvertently detrimental to realizing one’s potentials, most of this cultural conditioning, is well intended. The training enables one to meld with the Group to become a productive member of society. The mental constructs from this type of Red Dust are formed from birth and before. They are very difficult to purify.
There is another type of Red Dust that obscures and distorts our Mirror. This type of Red Dust intentionally deceives us into making choices that are detrimental to our personal interests. This Red Dust is frequently called Propaganda. By deliberately distorting, misreporting, and omitting information, entire populations are led to slaughter for the profits of others. Because of the nefarious nature of this particular type of Red Dust, we focus the following discussion upon the nature of the Red Dust called Propaganda.
By identifying destructive Propaganda we hope purify our Mind of its ill effects. With a Pure Mind we will be able to both experience Reality more fully and have a better chance of actualizing our potentials.
One of the thrusts of the following discussion is to determine why the Populace continues to believe the Propaganda, even though it motivates them to make choices that are counter to their best interests. As such we will be using many political examples. However, it is not the purpose of this book to debate the truth or falsehood of the concepts behind the distortions the Media has propagated for centuries. That discussion is found in our book, The Fairy Tale is Over. The Author is not trying to convince you, the Reader, of any political view. Instead he is urging you to explore your underlying belief system in order to exert more control over your personal life. Rather than reacting automatically to Fear and Greed based Propaganda, this enables us to experience Freedom from Cultural Conditioning.
To reach this point the Author attempts to explore the reasons as to why the Public tends to believe the lies of the Propagandists - despite all the contrary evidence - despite all the contradictions - despite the intellectual flip flops - despite the myriad inconsistencies. Why is it that Voters persist in choosing to be exploited?
In the days of Kings & Queens, Tsars & Emperors, Khans & Caliphs, it is easy to see why the Populace would follow behind the military leaders. They had no Choice. They were coerced into cooperation through superior military capabilities. Comply or else die.
However, with the advent of political participation in the decision making process of the city-state, nation, or empire by a larger group of the population why is it that the Populace - Farmers, Workers and Businessmen - is easily misled by lies? Why is it that the Populace regularly ignores logical arguments and follows absurdities despite all evidence to the contrary?
On a more personal level: Why is it that certain individuals, including ourselves, continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over despite repeated failures. In short why do we continually victimize ourselves?
Why do we frighten ourselves with imaginary worlds that we pretend are real -
Upsetting our organs needlessly - causing them to secrete fluids -
Hormones and the like,
Which are poisonous to our biological Organism, i.e. the Body.
This unnecessary process over works the Liver - stresses out the Stomach;
The Pancreas goes on overdrive -
Leaving the inadequate Kidneys to pick up the pieces.
These poisonous excretions seep into the skin, the hair, and the teeth -
Which lead to blemish, hardening, wrinkling, loss and decay.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
If these and questions like it interest you, read on.
However, if you, the Reader, believe the Propaganda, some of the ideas found herein might be a little perplexing, and maybe even a little disturbing. If your emotions are too aroused, this Book will have little meaning for you. If, however, you can temporarily suspend judgment, these scribbles have universal appeal, because they present a road map which leads to freedom from the verbal jail which we are all in from time to time - which is the root cause of our mental anguish. These words attempt to assist in ‘The Escape’ from the verbal realm of suffering.
If you, the Reader can see through the Propaganda like a clear window pane and are perplexed why the Public continually votes against their best interests by electing leaders who exploit and take advantage of them despite all the best logic the word can supply, then this Book will make perfect sense to you.
While this Book attempts to address why the Propaganda has been and is so effective, it also delves into the implications of the inherent ambiguity of words. This includes deriving a parallel logic system, which encompasses but transcends scientific logic. It also includes a discussion of the importance of verbal purification to experience true freedom by breaking the bonds of cultural conditioning. This leads to the Bliss of the Direct Perception of Reality. This is for everyone.